Ethical Controls

The Ethical Controls


A higher level set of control structures in the Purpose Domain (RL6) nested with the legitimist method are ethical.

Ethical Rules (PH"6)

See in Ch.8 in Working with Values (1995).

An Upright Citizen & their Citizenship Obligations (PH"6K)

It is evident that the types of rules in this particular Typology influence each other and are not intrinsically incompatible. Therefore a Tree structure is possible as proposed below.

These ethical rules are obligations on citizens, so their subjective handling will vary according to the nature and situation of any particular person.

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Objective requirements for an upright citizen (PH"6K) Self-centred handling of citizenship obligations (PH"6K)

Accommodating Ethical Authorities (PsH"6)

See in Ch.9.

This was one of the earliest structural hierarchies and the emergence of a Tree from it was not known at the time. The formulations provided in Working with Values have not been altered significantly. However the layout of the structural hierarchy diagram has been changed to be consistent with a system in which the requirements in the top row are the basis for the sH-Tree.

Requirements, components and states for "accommodating ethical authorities'' PsH"6 Qualities of internal levels in each of the groupings used for "accommodating ethical authorities" (PsH"6)

A Stable Society (PsH"6K)

In developing this Tree, it became apparent that there were two perspectives on ethical authority.

One the one hand there is the citizen's approach to those rules, objectively and subjectively, to produce a stable society. This relates to the requirements in the top row of the sH diagram and their interactions.

On the other hand there is the government's concern for stability and ensuring the citizenry's adherence to the ethical authorities. This relates to shifting the focus to the states identified in the bottom row of the sH diagram.

Taking the citizen's perspective first:

Objective requirements for a stable society (PsH"6K) Self-centred handling of the requirements for a stable society (PsH"6K)

Then take the government's perspective.

A Stable Society (PsH"6K) is maintained by the ruling regime because stability is a preoccupation of the State. This means governments take a different approach to stability in society as indicated by comparing the Trees below. On the left are expectations of the citizenry, on the right are expectations of the ruling regime. Note that the ruling regime Centres appear to be defined by the states (bottom labels in sH) that should be generated by the requirements (top labels in sH).

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Objective requirements for a stable society (PsH"6K) Objective requirements of a ruling regime to maintain a stable state (PsH"6K)

Originally posted: 25-January 2024