Dr Warren Kinston

DoB: 16th May 1945.
Married with two adult children.
Australian nationality.

1966 BSc Hons 1, Sydney
1969 MB BS Hons 1, Sydney: University Gold Medal
1974 MRC Psych, London
1977 AMB PsA S, London

2017-Present Founder and Executive Chairman, Intellect Automation International Pty Ltd. Non-executive Chairman since 2020.
2007–Present Founder: TH3EL Pty Ltd to develop THEE & the THEE Online Project
2003–2006 Executive Director, Cryptome Pharmaceuticals (CRP: ASX, now HTX: ASX)
2001–2003 Co-Founder, Chairman & A/Chief Executive, Cryptome Research Pty Ltd
1996–2000 Co-Founder & Non-executive Director, Bionomics Ltd (BNO: ASX)
1990–2010 Chairman & MD, The SIGMA Centre Ltd (Consultancy & Research)
1980–1990 Senior Research Fellow, BIOSS, Brunel University, London
1980–1990 Hon Consultant Psychotherapist, Hospital for Sick Children, Gt Ormond St, UK
1977–1979 Research Fellow & Hon Lecturer, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, UK
1975–1977 Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, Univ. of London
1971–1975 Resident and Registrar, Maudsley Hospital, London
1970–1971 Intern at Harborview MC & Univ.of Washington Teaching Hosp (Seattle US)

1965–1966: Neurophysiology. Worked with Prof P O Bishop (then Head, Physiology Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Sydney University, Sydney) on the neurophysiology of the visual system.
1975–1977: Child Psychiatry. Worked with Prof P Graham (Dept. of Child Psychiatry, Institute of Child Health, London). Created Family Studies Group to carry out clinical research with whole families.
1978–1980: Treatment of Chronic Disability. Devised and led with Dr R Rosser (late Prof in Psychiatry, Middlesex Hospital), a randomised controlled trial of psychotherapy funded by the Medical Research Council. The project drew biological, psychiatric and psychodynamic perspectives meaningfully together.
1980–1992: Family Interaction Research. Formed a research unit, funded 1981–1984 by the Leverhulme Trust, to continue and deepen methodological, theoretical and clinical study of family interaction. Research involved collaboration with Prof O H Wolff (then Professor of Child Health and Dean of the Institute of Child Health).
1980–2000: Organisation and Health Services. Joined the Health Services Organisation Research Unit, Brunel University at the invitation of Prof E Jaques and commenced research into the structure and function of the National Health Service. After 1982 became a Director of the Health Services Organisation Research Unit.
1982–1990: Psychoanalytic Theory. Founded and directed a Programme for Psychoanalytic Research with the aim of systematically developing psychoanalytic theory in a usable form, taking as a focus the phenomena of narcissism and repression.
1985–1990: Political Management. Founded and directed the Political Management Programme to develop theories for the effective organisation and management of political and governance work.
1985–1990: Imagination and Intuition. Founded and directed the Programme for Human Potential to study ways in which intuition and imagination might be expanded and to carry out theoretical development and practical research in use of the imagination.
1986–1990: Values and the SIGMA Project. Commenced work on integrating the existing programmes of research using an ethical perspective and qualitative system modeling.
1990–Present: Development of THEE. All research moved out of Brunel University into The SIGMA Centre Ltd, and then into Th3el Pty Ltd, where work focused on integrating and developing the frameworks that are latent in the mind, initially referred to as the Technology of Common-Sense®, and latterly as the Taxonomy of Human Elements in Endeavour.

During academic years (1975–1990), I served on a variety of University working parties, was an assessor of standards, a visiting examiner, a book reviewer, an editorial board member (Journal of Family Therapy 1979–89; Journal of Family Psychology 1988–1992); and a conference planner (Social Science & Medicine 1983–1991). I also founded IPSO (International Psychoanalytical Studies Organisation) in 1974 and was its first President. I played a part in introducing the family therapy movement and family interaction research into the UK. My membership of relevant professional bodies included those related to medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, organisation studies and systems sciences.

Since 1970, I have provided seminars, lectures, workshops, presentations and personal mentoring.
From 1982–2000, The SIGMA Centre offered national seminars, specialist publications and management consultancy to the public sector, especially the UK's National Health Service (NHS). From 1983–1986, I ran numerous national conferences on management and policy topics for senior executives, professionals and politicians in the UK. As well as consulting and regularly speaking at conferences in the UK, I have been invited to lecture, supervise or consult in: Australia, New Zealand, United States, Holland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Singapore.
Since 1982, I have consulted to chief executives, politicians, top civil servants, academics and others in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

2016-Present Co-founded with Michael Molloy, a software firm that produced the first AI-enabled ultra-fast self-auditing cash flow modelling software for commercial real estate, intuitively usable by professional staff at all levels.
2001–2006 Co-founded, with Prof Mathew Vadas, Cryptome Research Pty Ltd, later listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) as Cryptome Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Ticker: CRP). Raised finance and served as Chairman and Acting CEO. CRP pursued an innovative approach to discovering peptide therapeutics until taken over by Healthlinx.
1995–2000 Co-founded, with Prof Mathew Vadas, Australia's first genomics company, Bionomics Ltd, which listed on the ASX in 1998 (Ticker: BNO). Non-executive Director from inception before listing until resignation in November 2000.

In pursuing this work via consultancy, I discovered a deep structure in the mind that determines personal functioning. This structure and its processes are the underlying «grammar» of human endeavour. It is required for survival and is the basis of achievement. I named it the Taxonomy of Human Elements in Endeavour. Development of the model is the goal of this website.

Numerous publications in the academic journals, professional press and books, including translations into Swedish, French, German, Spanish & Catalan.
Major Book: Working with Values: Software of the Mind. (1995)
ISBN 1 874726 02 7
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated:14-Jun-2023.