Autonomy via a Tree of PH-L6 Centres
This Tree guides you in asserting your expectations so as to design better arrangements and work for another following severe demoralization.
This account is not a full exploration of psychosocial issues. It's purpose is to demonstrate that THEE is a model whose exploration generates findings that did not go into its construction. The specific aim is to scientifically validate conjectures developed in relation to the reversal of the oscillating duality and the identification of Root Level pressures of presumed biological origin. See more here.
Note: The main Autonomy level in this emergent framework appears to be read this part first.
because when work goes awry, fault is focused on judgements, and better arrangements require understanding via judgements based on mutually acknowledged values. It may help toThe Tree Spine
Seek Guidance at KL7 by
Take Heart at KL4 by
Find Energy at KL2 by
Make It Happen is at KL1 by .
There appears to be a move from an abstract assertions about work down to a practical drive to be effective. The two extreme Centres seem externally-oriented: at the top (KL7) you accept expressed views about the work situation, at the bottom (KL1) you focus on your choices at work. The other two Centres seem internally oriented: the upper (KL4) requires your inner strength, the lower (KL2) insists on the sort of person that you see yourself to be.
In this central spine, the yourself v your situation duality is fused.
More about the Balanced Centres & Vertical Channels in the Spine
KL7: Seek Guidance → Autonomy via Selflessness
is the intentional substance of all communication. It is also the way that we each construct our world and engage with others. The standard cry when work goes wrong is: "What's the meaning of this?!" In a situation where you voluntarily agree to work for another and often with others, their autonomy in regard to how they see the world must be respected as well as yours. Especially when there are severe disagreements or dissatisfaction, each must respect the other's point of view i.e. the attributed to things and events. assigned are intensely personal and an expression of autonomy. Work groups function well if people nevertheless share meanings rather than showing consensus by conformity. In a problematic or conflicted situation, you must be aware of the you preferentially assign, while putting aside any superiority for those. Everyone's should be equally privileged. Selflessness is here akin to impartiality and a readiness to apply rational judgement as part of evaluating the surrounding situations.
focuses , and demands that you . Because you are of your own volition, given to actions and events will commonly challenge you.

KL4: Take Heart → Autonomy via Well-being
Assuming no ill-will or foul play, when a work arrangement goes wrong it can only be because one party had inappropriate expectations or did not follow through on expectations. These expectations might relate to matters like the flow of tasks, frequency and style of reporting, the wishes and abilities of other parties, predictions about how events would unfold, or the use of resources like time and money. To design better arrangements, you must about the situation actively.
Leading Autonomy and Well-Being
commits you to developing , and it gets support from . requires you to become realistic through , and is accepted when you . It must promote needed . Support for required develops your credibility; while insisting on yourincentivizes you. energizes your and may challenge given to events by others.
KL2: Find Energy → Autonomy via Certainty
Your work for another, you may rely on beyond the particular task or role (if it is a post with a range of responsibilities). You may sooner or later identify with the larger project or the organization within which you work. Your skills and expertise are also based in a disciplinary or occupational identification that transcends this particular job or contract. When there are difficulties, your are what you turn to in order to handle the situation.
power you forward dynamically and wholeheartedly in any situation. When at work, they become the basis of your inner certainty in discharging any agreement. When youThese energize your . They will also reaffirm , and align your support for required in the situation. They must confirm (and be confirmed by) work .
mustKL1: Make It Happen → Autonomy via Performance
While you clarify and resolving bad arrangements, work must continue and that means a flow of authoritative
. The most significant aspects of these are performance-related: deadlines and schedules to complete projects. You must therefore to demonstrate both that you are responsible and that the arrangements need improvement.You should use confirmation that your are sound. channel (and are channeled by) , and constrain (and are constrained by) .
to provideThe Bi-Polar Levels
The other three levels—KL6, KL5, KL3—have two Centres each: these must take heed of each other and connect to the Centres on the spine.
KL6: Establish Your Position → Autonomy via Autonomy
There are two clashing factors here: there is the work itself (usually fairly constant), and then there is the work context (usually dynamic and evolving). These interact and pose issues of redesign. However, you must accept that your view is one of many. So long as others are allowed to speak freely, your account is not necessarily privileged. There should be some reciprocity between and your .
. Everyone is entitled to autonomy in regard to determining the work-reality. You must because that is the basis for anyThe core mechanism here is «keeping promises»: only a person with autonomy can make a genuine promise, and autonomy is needed to guarantee delivery of the promise. This is a matter of inner strength found as a component ( ) in the framework . See more.
Note that this Centre contains the autonomy element ( ) at the autonomy level (KL6) in the Tree.

As autonomous and professional, you have the right and obligation to
on to the problematic situation. Your expectations of work have been violated and you must identify the relevant values. If you are clear about what is bad, then you can start designing something better. You can provide a lead if others share your values of what constitutes a healthy work-place. If your values are not shared, you will not make progress and you must re-consider exiting or enduring.focus based on accepted of events. It ensures you become committed to and strengthens your .
and stating requires a readiness to and a clear
You have to talk values and so you need others to
of the work situation. If there is just one person who has commissioned you, that is simple. If you are in a large organization, you might need to check with several people, perhaps not all in your department or at your level. The variety of accounts soon reveals whether or not there is a consensus on the problem and its inherent values. Accounts should be backed up by data where that is available: but autonomy is based on values not data.demand , encourage , and support your learning .
must alsoKL5: Clarify Your Effort → Autonomy via Understanding
Working for another assumes that both parties have the autonomy and capacity to make authoritative based on the understanding that each has. So when things are going wrong, judgements become the focus of criticism and interference. There may be accusations of incompetence, of dissembling, of inexperience, of soundness, or poor standards. Improving matters requires open explanations: on the one hand, your own must be , and on the other hand you must seriously consider and that might have been made (and may even have been suggested or imposed). Your appreciation of alternatives should complement your explanations.

You are expected to make judgements within your work role as you understand it, and those judgements depend on your understanding of the situation. To clear the air, you need to
in those terms.realistic. They validate your , and strengthen .
help to ensure is
Looking at the same situation, others often claim that different judgements might have made more sense and should have been reached. As personal perspective, experience and role affect judgement, you should not be surprised. You need to
, their logic and implications, in order to attune to the relevant values and sustain the momentum for better arrangements.encourages you to require , helps in getting acceptance of your , and justifies insisting on the value of
KL3: Why You Persevere → Autonomy via Acceptability
include doctrines, theories, cultural values, beliefs, paradigms, teachings, doctrines, philosophies: all ways in which we order the world so as to understand it, get direction and be effective. Each of us sees adherence as an issue of autonomy even if they develop via socialization. underpin personal identity and group/tribal loyalties. Their divisiveness creates difficulties. Because followers disagree fundamentally, and often violently, acceptability becomes the criterion for peaceful coexistence. In delivering on any contract, your performance is dependent on using paradigms and teachings that you have come to value. There are also the beliefs that determine your personal integrity. The situation, however, will certainly include other doctrines and have a cultural context. You cannot survive within it unless you at least tolerate these values. If matters have broken down, you should actively to affirm your loyalty and minimize hostility. However, required paradigms and your own beliefs must take each other into
Every work situation takes place within a particular culture, and there is also a local value system expressed as rules, beliefs, conventions and values that are taken for granted. Others will also need to use their disciplinary paradigms and theories. Part of committing to a contract is therefore accepting ways of thinking and valuing that you do not necessarily share or properly understand. In trying to repair a situation, you must
the ways things are in regard to current beliefs.credibility for your , and validates . should align with your , and channel the you activate.
in the workplace provides
You cannot perform without using your own disciplinary training and professional ethos. Therefore any redesign of arrangements must validate and reinforce principles inherent in these. Insisting on your own paradigms relevant to the contract is a necessity for autonomy, and it ensures your contribution is acceptable in principle.
incentivise you to Your . justifies . It also reaffirms relevant , and constrains the nature and timing of .
- See how the framework may be used (or misused).
- Further notes on this framework.
- Continue to Repairing Psychic Damage: the Tree of PH-L7s from that helps you demonstrate coping.
Initially posted: 20-Sep-2013. Last updated: 24-Jan-2015.