Resolving Interpersonal Differences
Introduction: This Tree is emergent from solid interpersonal bond.
and contains all the elements. It comes into play when a close relationship has broken down through deep differences, and there is doubt about the presence of aEmergence from PH4-Experience
well-being: we want to feel good and regard feeling bad as a problem to be solved. From childhood on, the most important factor in our well-being (happiness) is found in the quality of our relationships.
- contains our sense of self and the states that occur within ourselves. It determines life-development and shapes relationships. The psychosocial pressure here is forFor most, if you want to feel good, spend time with others: usually that means friends and family. For everyone except hermits, well-being depends on others with whom you must relate continuously even if the relationship is strained: like a boss, partner or child.
In interpersonal dealings, relating involves continuing, significant and frequent interactions. All such relationships are complicated things where most is left unspoken.
must be used to shape interactions and sustain the sought after well-being.There are no close relationships that do not go through choppy waters from time to time. The problem is that no-one ever feels safe enough, loved enough, or appreciated enough. Everyone is different, no-one even knows themselves, and mutual misunderstanding is so easy. As a result, painful emotions flare up, disagreements lead to fights, and mutual hurt or disappointment causes an inner withdrawal and avoidance of interaction. All these can be overcome by goodwill and concerned attention based in intuition.
Unfortunately, differences can build without relief, and a level of intolerance and hostility or estrangement slowly develops. Misunderstandings then multiply and intuitions seem to become unhelpful. This is the prelude to splitting up or resigning yourself to a continuing miserable existence.
However, if a lot has been invested in a relationship, it probably has the potential for being productive and happy once again. What is required is attention to the basics of the relationship. The only way to affirm a solid bond against all the odds is to use a framework comprised solely of PH-L5 elements which deliver greater understanding, but at the price of requiring you to take .
With the application of understanding, you can and must regard yourself as a partner within the relationship, even if there are status differences.
Examples: So Many
More on Life's Necessity: Handling Close Relationships.
Why the Framework is all PH-L5s
It is hard to maintain understanding when you are feeling misunderstood within a relationship that is cold and distant or is intimate but miserable and painful. But without understanding, you will be unable to feel sufficient empathy, notice what has to be discussed, say what has to said, or do what has to be done.
Investigations into the Root Projection to Primary Hierarchies suggested that PH-L5 elements (within their ) are constructed under a psychosocial pressure for understanding (probably with a distinct neurophysiological underpinning).
The Tree framework constituted solely out of PH-L5 elements can therefore be expected to be dedicated to understanding. Being a Root Tree, each level (KL•) will also retain its usual psychosocial pressures.
Note: The process here assumes that you and your partner converse and enter a genuine dialogue about the relationship i.e. there is a strong link to
This list is taken directly from analysis of the Root Projection.
- involves construing a particular field of action so as to understand what is going on and what the effects of action will be.
- involves construing some field of inquiry. Although prediction is scientifically sufficient for proof of a relation and may lead to a model, we experience a pressure to understand that relation.
- involves construing the field of change so as to understand uncontrollable events or factors within or without so as to adjust in a way that permits continued existence.
- is about construing an unusual, tricky or new personal situation. Starting from a gut feel, it develops from a pressure to understand in some relevant fashion.
- involves discriminating things that require reference. This allows you to understand what you are saying and enables people to understand each other. (Understanding is a general aspect of communication and so also applies at other levels within , implicitly or explicitly.)
- is about construing communal living by understanding what each and all need and view as important.
- is about readiness to participate in an unpredictable undertaking with open eyes, and this is based on understanding what disappointments or disasters may eventuate.
Renewal & Recovery
Summary Only: This is an abbreviated overview of the Tree with a focus on the the next topic. Understanding the various elements is assumed. For more details within the Architecture Room, review the relevant part of the Root Projection section.
. A fuller account is provided in
The heart of the framework is
. Relationships involve the potential for pain. Unlike in other difficult situations, the smallest thing that is said or done can be misunderstood or go wrong in some inexplicable way leading to explosions, emotional hurt and possibly irreparable damage to a joint future. However, saying nothing and doing nothing is not an option because that preserves and even indicates acceptance of the current estrangement or pain-filled interactions. You can always in the sense that if there is no positive response, then you are better of out of the relationship. Although must be deliberately and positively taken, dangers can be mitigated by attention to the 8 Centres that feed into that .Feeding into renewal of the relationship despite its present damage.
from above are the 5 Centres that enableSensitivities call for strict attention to the language that you use in talking about what is going on, in particular the way you challenges your .
aspects of the relationship. Putting your ego to one side and respecting agreements on how relationship issues are labeled will go far to reducing the risk of emotional explosions. Because resonate with meaning and labels have histories, this agreementGiven existing mutual misunderstanding, every interaction has the potential to spiral out of control. You can prevent this danger by become committed to taking the risks. Social adaptation involves the time, place and manner of interaction—to support you in taking risks.
to the evolving situation. If you on the way you present and handle yourself, youThen you must becomes realistic. An helps get acceptance for the you are running.
to yourself and to each other. Your understanding will surely differ from the explanation of the same events given by the other. But this ensuresFeeding into recovery of a viable modus vivendi for the relation.
from below are the 3 Centres that enableencouraged to take risks if your currently unmet in the future. The you take only become credible for the other person if you support operative within your relationship.
are relevant in two ways. On the one side, you areenergizes and confirms the actions you take.
are essential to managing close relations. While they have gone wrong in the past, they now become essential to give you confidence to speak up. Relying onBypassing Renewal with Recovery. There are two levels essential for resolving interpersonal differences effectively: how you and . Explaining what has been going on validates your ; while your offered to you justifies your insistence on .
to connectFinal Common Path: The focus for action is on confirm your . Every move in the unfolding drama potentially sparks a spiral of improvement in the relationship and can progressively increase well-being. Or not.
that- Examine all PH-L5 Centres and mutual influences systematically in more detail.
See how the framework may be used (or misused).
- Continue to Asserting Your Expectations: the Tree of PH-L6 elements from that helps you design better work arrangements.
Initially posted: 24-Mar-2013. Last updated: 31-Jul-2024.