Schema for Exposition
Layout of Pages
These emergent frameworks will define the requisite response to breakdowns in:
► desired or necessary activities
► major projects
► presentation of conceptions
► social harmony
► close relationships
► work arrangements
► generally coping.
In the usual taxonomic frameworks, exposition can flow from the way that each level naturally builds on the one below (or above). It is also common to develop the Tree by explaining the channels in a particular order. None of this makes the same sense in these emergent frameworks where the Tree structure is given in advance.
So each framework is presented as follows:
Topic 1: Summary account that covers:
- Why the framework emerges from the particular Primary Hierarchy.
- Why the framework builds on a particular PH-Level i.e. the «special pressure»
- An introduction from the perspective of the .
Topic 2: Systematic account that covers:
- Tree Spine with Balanced Centres: .
- Bi-Polar Centres in the Tree:
- All Channels.
- Other Issues.
Particular guiding phrases with an orientation to the various levels are shown below. Fuller explanations are postponed because they will make more sense within each particular framework.
Orientation to Tree Levels (KL)
These emergent Trees are «frameworks of transcendence» not frameworks of endeavour (which require both transcendence and actualization). This is specifically evident from the following:
- KL5 and KL6 contain and i.e. previously actualizing functions.
- Centre qualifiers of the various PH-elements indicate that a mental attitude is to be activated e.g. in KL2, is not the same as .
Centres within these Tree frameworks have been developed by appreciating the interaction of two psychosocial pressures as follows:
- an essential psychosocial pressure characteristic of the what must characterize the output of each Centre in the Tree. Domain that generates the emergent Tree, called [special pressure] below: this is
- the psychosocial pressure differentially activated at each level in a what must distinguish development of Centre outputs at each Level. Tree: this is
Taking these together, the R+R emergent Tree framework can be summarized as follows:
- KL7: Guidance—because genuine recovery and renewal requires faith in impersonality or it will fail through egotism or bias.
- KL6: Position—because you need to have a stance and a suitable context to regain the upper hand.
- KL5: Thinking—because you must be able to explain yourself and understand others to have any hope of eventual success.
- KL4: Heart—because the feelings associated with form the personal core on which all R+R depends.
- KL3: Rationale—because you must know why you bother to persevere with a transcendent drive: here others must come first—a tangible form of selflessness.
- KL2: Energy—because you and others use inner experiences as part of any evaluation: this is what must be confidently manipulated.
- KL1: Timing—because action is necessary to show the effort is for real.

These upper three levels in the Tree provide the context that allows you to start afresh on the same challenge.
KL7: Seek Guidance → [Special Pressure] via Selflessness
One of the elements.
You have to respond to the world and the world is ready to give you guidance. But unless you appreciate the relevant form of that guidance, you may miss it. Once you become aware of what is required, then you must respect that
: it may not be easy to handle or be what you want to hear.The Centre is balanced, so the
will be simultaneously evident or relevant to yourself and to others.KL6: Establish Your Position → [Special Pressure] via Autonomy
Two polar forms of one of the elements.
Given the severity of the set-back, you must enable a particular state and the state of the situation determinedly—and in regard to just one specific
. In regard to yourself, you can impose change. In regard to the situation, you must explicitly require a particular state or form of change, and then strive to obtain or create it.KL5: Clarify Your Thinking → [Special Pressure] via Understanding
Two polar forms of one of the elements.
Unless you are clear about what is significant in regard to handling the crisis or breakdown situation, you cannot handle yourself or others very well. The specific
used to clarify and understand gets handled differently when it is for yourself. As the one responsible and engaged, you can explain, while inquiry intrinsically relevant or viewed as relevant by others must be appreciated.
These lower four levels support you in getting the situation back on track effectively.
KL4: Take Heart → [Special Pressure] via Well-being
One of the elements.
Whereas faith is selfless and impersonal, heart is egotistic and personal. You have to feel good about the
element. Otherwise you are simply not going to persist with the the special effort.This Centre is balanced, so the
will also be relevant for others as well as yourself.KL3: Why You Persevere → [Special Pressure] via Acceptability
Two polar forms of one of the elements.
You must identify and promote purposes that are acceptable. This means noting and supporting the manifestation of a
(objective or value) evidently relevant and beneficial for others. Without this, you will fail to get traction in social settings. You must also identify and insist on a complementary that is significant for yourself or you will lack an essential incentive.KL2: Find Energy → [Special Pressure] via Certainty
One of the elements.
You have to use yourself and your feelings. But unless you rely on a relevant
, you may be unable to handle situations. Others involved participate in the same experience both by empathic identification and because they too rely on their own inner experience.The Centre is balanced, so the
will be simultaneously relevant for yourself and for others.KL1: Make It Happen → [Special Pressure] via Performance
One of the elements.
You always have to
to achieve anything, and demonstrate to yourself and others that your efforts are bearing fruit. There is always a particular that you have to activate to get progress.The Centre is balanced, so the
taken will simultaneously involve yourself and the situation.- Return to an overview of the principles and analytic schema.
See a preview summary of the contents of the frameworks.
- Start with Overcoming Inertia: the framework emerging from converting to a Tree of all PH-L1s.
Originally posted: 20-Sep-2013. Last amended: 4-Jun-2023;