Coding THEE: Some Ideas


In principle, there are two different types of user:

In practice just now, there is just one scientist user (WK) and very few who are curious. Software should therefore be focused at assisting WK, unless there is some practical or commercial reason to do otherwise.

Inputs: Taxonomic Entities

In order to ensure universal application, the taxonomic entities (database cells) are named via formulas. In this way of thinking, a natural language name, being language specific, is a property of the formula-cell. See other cell properties.

A formula is constructed so as to indicate the location of the cell in the Taxonomy structure: i.e. a formula is an index. (Rules for constructing formulas are provided here.)

From a formula perspective, the Taxonomy is complete because the architecture is known. However, in the sense of knowing the names, functions and other properties of all the cells, it is far from complete.

It is assumed that a new dedicated database may have to be constructed.

Note: Although the cell is the basic «taxonomic unit», the basic «entity of concern» is a pattern or structural form (e.g. a Tree or Hierarchy). Natural names for these forms has been a long-standing source of difficulty and is a current focus of research.

Current Search Methods

Users are currently enabled to look for instances of a natural language name using Flare Search or the Site Search; and soon the Glossary will be available too.

  1. A natural language name can be sought in the Glossary (under development here). Glossary pages are tables because of the imprecision of ordinary language. These allow the user to:
    1. ensure that the term entered is an appropriate formal name;
    2. to be informed about similar or related entities (terms) that may be of interest;
    3. to discover the relevant formula of whatever is listed; and
    4. there will also be links to images and other features in due course.
  2. Devonthink Pro: On my personal computer, I use the Search function on a database that this software creates from my THEE Folder. The Devonthink algorithm rapidly finds and presents the correct framework as long as I use MS-Word, Excel or pdf files. It is uncanny.

Search for formulae or forms has not been a focus to date.

Outputs: Knowledge & Understanding

The goal is not search: it is knowledge that leads to understanding and fosters discovery. This demands easy rapid interactivity with graphical representations and a focus on patterns or forms.


Once a formula is entered, the user should have a range of options that allow the Taxonomy to be explored and the relevant part to be understood.

There are various ways to explore or investigate:

  1. Moving around the taxonomy from that location i.e. cell relationships.
  2. Viewing the taxonomic entity via its key properties:
    1. Natural language name(s)
    2. Function (i.e. the identity of the cell/form)
    3. Properties
    4. Closely related entities in a framework.
  3. Seeing some or all instances of a particular taxonomic entity:
    1. A form e.g. all structural hierarchies
    2. A variety of form e.g. all structural primary hierarchies
    3. An elemental entity e.g. all 4th levels, all pentads.

Cell Relationships

Relationships fall into three categories:

  1. Intrinsic: the unfolding and infolding of the taxonomy based on THEE's processes, dualities, and transformations. (NB: The Hub needs updating.)
  2. Extrinsic: the resonance between disparate parts of the architecture as manifested by similarity of formulas.

  3. Existential: the consequence of projection from the Root Hierarchy.

What is a Cell?

A cell can be functionally defined as a usable entity that does not require further analysis when in use.

Note: A cell cannot be defined as an irreducible entity, because in that case there would be only one single cell: Will, the Root Cell (R).

e.g. Endeavour, the Root Hierachy is a cell. Each Root Level, e.g. Purpose, is a cell. The Primary Hierarchy of Purpose is framework with a name, but is not itself a cell; but each Level within it is a cell. Similarly, Structural Hierarchies also have framework-names but are not cells, while the various groupings and groups within them are all cells (constituted by other cells).

THEE refers to natural wholes like hierarchies as frameworks. Some include small complex components which currently have no special label.

Are dualities cells? Closed  I don't think so.

Are channels cells? Closed  I don't think so.

Moving Around the Taxonomy

Intrinsic relationships would be be available at the users discretion—unavailable options would vanish or be greyed out.

There would be some general options that are always appropriate e.g.

Otherwise there are only two options. Click to see suggested instruction-terms. Not that these are provisional.

ClosedIndividual Cells:

ClosedComplete hierarchies:

There are other visualizations that do not fit into the above

An Example

R (cell) > emanate >> RH (7L Hierarchy) > dynamize > RHK (Tree) which many Centres and Channels that are all interactive in a variety of ways.
e.g. click on the Centre-L4B > emanates > the Tree of Experience-PH4K.

Revealing Properties

Every cell has properties. It must be possible to access these properties where they are known.

Other properties help characterize and differentiate cells, and play a major role in ensuring people use entities properly.Examplesare often useful to enable comprehension.


Names:  A formal name is complemented by alternative names, and unsatisfactory synonyms which are confusing.

Noun: entity that emerges

Verb: objective requirement

Function: A term does not locate anywhere in the Taxonomy, only the way the term is used i.e. its function in a psychosocial situation where the person is committed.

Categorical Properties: These apply to all cells in a set: the number of these vary. Identifying a set's categories seems more difficult than specifying cell properties. Conjecture:Closed A general set exists that parallels the Root Hierarchy.

Oscillating duality: This ensures sharp distinctions (discontinuity) between levels, but its nature is unknown.

Standard criticisms: Typically unfair.

Dysfunction: Misuse or effect of absence.

Other dualities e.g. dynamic, unfolding.

+ occasionally appropriate:







Application of frameworks is of great practical significance and the potential for these must be included in the project.

Initially posted: 5-Apr-2013. Last Updated: 9-May-2014.