Review of All Emergent Trees


The emergent Tree frameworks have now been presented as forms of willingness-driven mental organization useful in a variety of types of endeavour. These may be activated at times of endeavour breakdown and are geared to fostering a renewal and recovery of the relevant situation.

It also seems that each of these frameworks may be forced into use in ways that overpower a person's natural tendencies, with the potential for abuse or harm.

The 7 Tree frameworks are summarized here for ease of comparison. Links are provided to enable review of the full account. The summaries are organised in a matrix at the bottom of this page.

Tree of All PH-L1s

Overcoming Your Inertia so as to
Stop Avoidance and Use Time Well

Why PH-L1s? Because, given so much to do, the necessary pressure is for Performance (from RL1).

Process: The framework assumes you will willingly take small but genuine steps to get things done: and this is about Action-RL1, which drives PH-L1s.

Focus: KL3 because the tasks (L1-purposes) that have been avoided must be made more acceptable.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH5: Communication, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as «Everyman» or, less satisfactorily, as an «Instrument».

Tree of All PH-L2s

Refusing to Give Up so as to
Make a Project Succeed and Produce Achievement

Why PH-L2s? Because, given all the doubts about success, the necessary pressure is Certainty (from RL2).

Process: The framework assumes you possess or can get the necessary knowledge and willingly apply genuine know-what and know-how: which is about inquiry-RL2, which drives PH-L2s.

Focus: KL6 because previous endeavours failed and others have given up, specified alterations (L2-change) must be devised and enabled autonomously.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH1: Action, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as a «Leader».

Tree of All PH-L3s

Bypassing Social Resistanceso as to
Establish Ideas as Sound and Provide Useful Accounts.

Why PH-L3s? Because, given intensity of rejection and disbelief, the necessary pressure is Acceptability (from RL3).

Process: The framework assumes you are prepared to consider the feelings and views of others, and make a genuine and willing adaptation: which is about Change-RL3, which drives PH-L3s.

Focus: KL7 because significance (L3-communication) of key factors, previously ignored out of self-interest (yours or others) or rejected as irrelevant due to biases (yours or others), must be recognized and respected selflessly.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH7: Willingness, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as a «Messenger».

Tree of All PH-L4s

Reducing Intra-Group Conflict so as to
Restore Social Harmony and Sustain Group Cohesion

Why PH-L4s? Because, given all the discord and bruised feelings, the necessary pressure is Well-Being (from RL4).

Process:  The framework assumes that group members willingly tolerate inner discomfort due to their genuine differences: Experience-RL4, which drives PH-L4s.

Focus: KL1 because actions matter and performance counts in group life. Responses drawn from repertoires (L4-action) of rival sub-groups, previously structured and timed to provoke, must now be performed in a way that prevents flare-ups and contributes to restoration of harmony.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH2: Inquiry, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as a «Diplomat».
Not «politician», because that label emphasizes the exercise of power and possibly implies self-seeking behaviour.

Tree of All PH-L5s

Resolving Interpersonal Differences so as to
Affirm a Solid Bond and Handle Close Relationships.

Why PH-L5s? Because, given all the misunderstanding, the necessary pressure is Understanding (from RL5).

Process: The framework assumes willing conversations and genuine dialogue about what the relationship entails: Communication-RL5, which drives PH-L5s.

Focus: KL2 because intuitions (L5-experience) that were previously neglected or misconstrued must now be developed and applied with certainty and confidence.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH4: Experience, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as a «Partner».

Tree of All PH-L6s

Asserting Your Expectations so as to
Design Better Arrangements and Work for Another

Why PH-L6s? Because, given all the intrusions and changing constraints, the necessary pressure is Autonomy (from RL6).

Process: The framework depends on genuinely and willingly acknowledging values that need to exist in the context of work: Purpose-RL6, which drives PH-L6s.

Focus: KL5 because judgements (L6-inquiry) previously interfered with, correctly or incorrectly, must now be made with more understanding.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH6: Purpose, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as an «Organiser».
Note that the organiser is not necessarily the leader.

Tree of All PH-L7s

Allowing Self Recovery so as to
Repair Psychic Damage and Maintain Personal Equilibrium

Why PH-L7s? Because, given the disintegration and dysfunction of the self, the necessary pressure is Selflessness (from RL7).

Process: The framework depends on a genuine and willing exploration of the unknown within your psyche: Willingness-RL7, which drives PH-L7s.

Focus: KL4 because trusting (L7-willingness) has been undermined by paranoia and depression, and recovery depends on trusting providing a sense of well-being.

Emerges from oD reversal of PH3: Change, but Closed why?

Framework Application: You as a «Character».
The issue here is your constructed uniqueness.

Matrix Summary

Better viewing: narrow or close left navigation column; use browser zoom if needed.

Tree Centres
Originating PH
Necessary Pressure Special
Resolution Process Your Role Special Mechanism
Selflessness KL4Willingness-L7
Trust must lead to more well-being.
Genuine Learning
You as a Character Reflection
(Selflessness via Selflessness)
Asserting Your Expectations
Autonomy KL5Inquiry-L6
Judgements must show more understanding.
You as an Organiser Promises (Autonomy via Autonomy)
Resolving Interpersonal Differences
Understanding KL2Experience-L5
Intuitions must flow from more certainty.
Genuine Dialogue
You as a Partner Insight (Understanding via Understanding)
Reducing Intra-Group Conflict
Well-being KL1Action-L4
Repertoires must enable better performance.
You as a
(Well-being via Well-being)
Bypassing Social Resistance
Acceptability KL7Communication-L3
Significance must ensure more selflessness.
You as a
(Acceptability via Acceptability)
Refusing to
Give Up
Certainty KL6Change-L2
Alterations must flow from more autonomy.
You as a Leader Vision
(Certainty via Certainty)
Your Inertia
Performance KL3Purpose-L1
Tasks must have
more acceptability.
You as
(Performance via Performance)

Further Notes

Last amended:3-Nov-2013