Conclusion for Schools
This Satellite has investigated
as a form of association:• based on a doctrine as the core of a shared reality, and
• dependent on and
NOTE: It is the school that is primary in this analysis, not the doctrine. In THEE, a «doctrine» is a paradigm or with the formula: and they can exist or be believed independently of any school of adherents.
Scientists, for example, adhere to doctrines (e.g. materialism), often knowingly, but without feeling they are adherents or wanting to function as a member of any defending and developing that doctrine.

Doctrines in themselves do not create a school. So although cults are social groups and commonly have doctrines, they do not meet the criteria for a school.
Cults develop around a charismatic leader who typically demands member submission rather than autonomous member awareness. The cult members are not allowed to question the doctrine or take it to society. The doctrine itself is characteristically rigid, dogmatic and sometimes extreme. Rather than seeking societal recognition, cults commonly cut their members off from society and function in a secretive way. There is no formal organisation that is controlled by members' votes.
profound and illuminating realization that is captured in a doctrine.
in this emerge around one founder (or a few founders independently) experiencing aThe levels/types of work characteristic of doctrinal development and school formation have been identified and distinguished from work in academic disciplines. Validation of any doctrine was examined, once again focussing on distinguishing its knowledge from that generated by conventional scientific research.
Having developed this initial conception of
and their , it became possible to investigate in more detail and discover frameworks that revealed:- first: how a doctrine is promulgated in society,
i.e. the TET pattern. - then: how a school gets established over time,
i.e. the Spiral trajectory of Stages. - then: how the orthodoxy is perpetuated in the school,
i.e. treating the Stage essences as Levels in a Tree. - then: how a school functions as a complex societal entity,
i.e. combining Levels to form a structural hierarchy. - and finally: how adherents participate in the life of a school,
i.e. using requirements to function to generate another Tree.
Based on examples provided, it seems that many schools and their doctrines do not fully develop or soon die out. Others remain perennial shapers of mankind's endeavours.

In the framework of paradigms or doctrines, are commonly given an "ism" suffix.
, Level 6 contains which in the personal-emotional form is a and in the social-logical form is a . These systematized ideas, also referred to asWhen viewed from the outside, isms have no power. However, for a person who believes the ism, it affects purposes and ultimately actions.
Many schools have an ism label (e.g. Buddhism, Marxism, Paganism) and continue to thrive. But doctrines can exist purely as "schools of thought" without an actual school-association e.g. despotism, atheism, imperialism.
In some cases the school dies out and gets revived e.g. Stoicism flourished in Ancient Greece and Rome with hundreds of members, but died out with the Dark Ages. There were two revivals, the Neostoicism of the Renaissance, and Modern Stoicism of the late 20th Century. The recent efforts to re-create the school as a practical philosophy for living have resulted in academic and non-academic courses, Facebook Groups, blogs &c.
Combinations with other PH'Q5 Arenas
Note: Speculative relationships are provided in the Taxonomy Notes which are periodically updated as Arenas are investigated.
The output of a enduring school is a form of humane wisdom. It seems that this approach can combine with the output of other to generate recognizable social entities.
- Combining with the fellowship. can generate a form of communal living that might be called a
- Combining with the educational service. can generate a business that might be called an
- Combining with the applied institute. can generate a study group that might be called an
- Combining with the utopian community. can generate a mode of living that might be called a
- Combining with the spiritual philosophy. can generate a way of being that might be called a
- Combining with the didactic art. can generate an art form that might be called a
Other Forms of Knowing and Reality
It is not possible to take a stance on reality outside the taxonomy because, by definition, all functioning is taxonomically represented. This is a logical place to provide the first comprehensive review of reality and knowing as modelled by THEE.
So in the following pages,
which focus on a particular form of knowing and conception of reality can be placed in perspective by considering other approaches knowing and reality.
Endeavour (RH) requires Knowing (RH-L2). It is impossible to do anything, i.e. to alter reality, without some knowing entering into the picture. The , though specialized for knowledge generation, comes with enduring scepticism about the correspondence of knowledge with reality.
Knowing to reach a Conclusion (PH'2Q1-7). There are also arenas of knowing within the that are potentially significant for us all. These are related to effectively handling some immediate reality as approached via the different Domain primal needs.
THEE Domains select Reality. Each generated by the drives unique endeavours. So each presents a distinct form of functioning that calls for its own knowledge of reality.
Communication creates Reality. The is built on a primal need for association which is based on sharing reality as the primal means. So the diverse directly address varieties of reality.
:- Consider an alternative formulation for PH'5Q-L7.
in taxonomic perspective:- Start with a review of the Inquiry Domain.
- Continue to review how reality assumptions pervadeTHEE.
- Then consider reality construal within the arenas of associating.
Originally posted: 4-Dec-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2024.