Questioning the Institution
L5: Selected Statistics
Society requires institutional entities to collect and often publish information, sometimes based on legal compulsion. Awareness of an institution's state requires the context provided by these statistics, even if they are imperfect or exceedingly difficult to interpret. In many cases, information is not collected either deliberately, unthinkingly or due to costs. In other cases, the information is kept private or hidden.
Dynamic Duality
On the one hand government and official bodies may collec and publish statistics. And on the other hand, any individual entity may collect and release relevant statistics. Anyone can question complacency in relation to institutional performance by selecting and highlighting just one or two publicly available measures. Public attention will be captured if the statistic is unexpected or shocking, or has been previously hidden to protect powerful interests.
On this basis, there will be two polarized Centres in the Tree:
and .We will label
and label :
The social Centre will be dominant partly because it constrains what can be revealed, and partly because it shapes a more nuanced characterization of any seemingly shocking single statistic. So it is placed on the right side of the Tree.
: The two polar are connected because for public awareness any large and complex data set ( ) needs to be reduced to a few meaningful figures ( ). At the same time any meaningful specific figure ( ) needs to be checked against the fuller picture ( ). In practice, a allows for , and the discovery of something shocking vindicates the collection and storage of relevant information.
Institution Exposure
is provisionally labeled
The existence of
naturally affects any , ideally sanctioning the claims, but potentially undermining them also. In turn the points to specific that should be deemed relevant and therefore collected and stored.
Institution Monitoring
is provisionally labeledSpecific
can undermine the credibility of a . Any current is likely to either welcome or cast doubt on the validity or applicability of those particular .Institution Reassessment
is provisionally labeled
provides assistance to The reverse applies in that may identify that ought to be regularly collected to assist monitoring and future inquiries.Investigation Support
is provisionally labeledHowever,
are not directly affected by a unless it is identified as relevant by or becomes part of the .are sensitive to social dissatisfaction and disruption, and respect the potential significance of such . So particular can motivate to institute investigations. Alternatively, these bodies can publicize a to justify their actions.
Investigation Instigation
is provisionally labeledGeneral
has little influence on unless the or a particular indicates some need. Similarly only affects collecting and publishing via a or by influencing the .
and do not impact on directly, but they may generate effects if mediated by intervening Centres. similarly require to be mediated by or in order to affect or
L6: Debated Perspectives
The various vested interests in an institution each have their own perspective on issues that emerge. Because all will be using their power to influence the narrative and institutional functioning, their views need to be exposed. The media plays a key role here. However, if there is much public concern, governmental committees or agencies may be able to ask questions in public, and charitable reform-generating bodies may be willing to arrange a conference.
Dynamic Duality
On the one hand, articulate individuals representing powerful vested interests are expected to argue their perspective when particular institutional issues disturb the public. On the other hand, society needs bodies willing to organize and encourage questioning and debate in suitable fora, or there will be no exposure of positions.
This means that there will be two polarized but connected Centres in the Tree:
and .We will label
and label :
will have the dominant influence because they provide the impetus and rationale for the presentation of specific . So it is placed on the right side of the Tree.
The two polar will be connected because they depend on each other. The existence of diverse powerful generates urges to . Such require individuals willing to . Those defending a particular vested interest will expect to argue it and will understand that hose organising debates will seek to juxtapose perspectives.
Improvement Momentum
is provisionally labeled

Those who
do press for availability of so as to review the institution and understand what change may be required. The state revealed by routine often underpins of the positions taken by vested interests.Change Exploration
is provisionally labeledA particular
needs to be put into context of or be part of an in order to influence .Alternative
will harness to support particular positions and proposals, and protagonists may get confronted by them during a debate.Change Justification
is provisionally labeledare systems of belief supporting various vested interests that do not directly affect or get directly influenced by general .
Both Centres also naturally tap into an existing
and vice versa, because the current acts as a reference point for all discussion and governs potential change options.When change is in the air,
intensify the current . In turn, the is liable to circumscribe challenges or provoke of its credibility.Change Orientation
is provisionally labeledare oriented to society as a whole, while vested interest are partial. As a result, strive to colour any while resisting the pressure that any unfavourable imposes.
Change Pressure
is provisionally labeled
Neither pole will attempt to address specific
, or ) without mediation by the and institutional .L7: Demands for Transparency
buttressed by and enable a limited appreciation of the condition of the institution, because full transparency is normally lacking. Demands must be made for access to certain documents and statements if there is suspicion that they are deliberately being kept hidden to protect wrong-doing, incompetence or corruption.
Dynamic Duality
Demands can be made by anyone, but they often carry more weight if they come from social leaders like judges, legislators, and religious leaders or popular figures. The goals is to get transparency on behalf of society as a whole.
So, in the Tree, there will be a single balanced Centre:
.We will label
is concerned to generate improvement and likely to steer efforts for , affecting agendas and questions for representatives of powerful interests.

Improvement Reference
is provisionally labeledThe
will affect the positions presented by possibly empowering some and weakening others. The distribution of and any public opposition to certain vested interests will affect the operation of to penetrate secrecy.Improvement Pressure
is provisionally labeled
There is no direct link to
or because typically deals with materials and individual actions that intrinsically lie outside routine information gathering.
may be required because of the existing or organised in his terms. Any needs to take into account the potential for in its development of credibility.
Improvement Installation
is provisionally labeled
There is no direct link to consent in the lower Centres—
—because anything relevant here . Alternatively these Centres need to be mediated through higher levels to have any influence on .Click on the thumbnail below to see the whole Tree in this Topic
View the Tree in its own Topic here.

Originally posted: 28-Mar-2023. Last updated: 28-Mar-2024.