Supporting the Institution
L1: Promotion of Interests
Vested interests are based in needs: either needs that are currently being met or that the person or entity believes should be met. Promoting those interests and repeatedly asserting their importance keeps the institution running. Everyone in the society potentially has some degree of interest, but the more involved with the institution, the greater the significance of interest. If dependent on the institution, as some organisations will be, then the interest generates concerns for success and even survival.
Dynamic Duality
Politically mature societies are expected to uphold certain social values, which means meeting their members needs. They do so more or less well via societal institutions, which depend on personal or organisational interests being promoted and justified i.e. societies need or have interest in what the individual needs or has an interest in. It is notable that authoritarian regimes crackdown on publicized complaints or service demands, which confirms the notion that any individualized concern is simultaneously a social concern.
So, in the Tree, this level becomes a single balanced Centre:
.We will label
:This Centre is the basis and rationale for the right and duty to protest when something does not seem right. Laws that prevent individuals from asserting their interests and peacefully protesting when their interests are affected are intrinsically authoritarian and corrosive of societal institutions of all sorts.
As additional Centres are identified, possible linkages to and from
will be explored and explained.L2: Discussion of Remedies

It often seems that an interest or poorly-served need or institutional problem has a rather simple and obvious solution, if only those involved would act on it. Advocacy for such solutions then follows. It takes the form of lobbying and advertising by business associations and individual firms. Campaigning for a solution comes naturally to cause-centred individuals, some of whom may choose to work in a reform-centred body related to a particular institution.
Dynamic Duality
Advocacy for solutions, if not abused, is generally recognized as appropriate and even valuable by the community. It is evident that an individual advocating for a solution is the way that a society pushes for a particular change. Regardless of whether the advocacy is biased or politically motivated, there is no independent social form.
So, in the Tree, this level becomes a single balanced Centre:
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Any expression of concern in relation to consent/dissent.
may encourage campaigners and lobbyists at to push for a solution that relieves the concern and advances those interests. The reverse applies in that may either encourage or disturb many. Vested interests may agree or differ in either criticizing the so-called solution or feeling justified by it. So there is a channel here ofIssue Relief
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L3: Critical Issues
Any particular weakness or failing within an institution is not a simple matter because institutions are so complicated and affected by so many factors and forces. So when problems arise, there is a concern to investigate them in a careful determined analytical way in order to understand and make recommendations for improvement.
Dynamic Duality
A determined and dedicated individual can choose to investigate a problematic situation so as to identify the critical issues and make recommendations. Doctors often do that for healthcare; and senior judges for the legal system. Industry experts may produce a book identifying analysing issues that impact on wider society.
However, there are also a variety of social entities that monitor institutional concerns. A government agency, a quality newspaper, a charitable body, or an umbrella association may commission an employee or external consultant to produce an in-depth report that penetrates to the underlying issues. Howeverm even if a team or committee is responsible, only one person will do the drafting.
This means that this level in the Tree will generate two polarized but connected Centres:
and .We will label
and label :
Any analysis by a social body will suffer from the likelihood, real or apparent, of bias towards the interests of that body. Individuals will also be biassed by their self-interest and background, but independence makes objectivity far more likely. The commissioning body has to accept (or bury) the report produced by an individual (or committee) and any individual can refuse to do the investigation. So the
Centre is dominant and placed on the right side of the Tree.Channels
consent/dissent between the two polar as explained above and shown at right. The analysis may satisfy or disappoint the commissioner, who may approve, modify or reject any report.
: There is clearly a need for a channel ofIssue Investigation
is provisionally labeled
generate whose rationale and value are now more evident. are also affected by existing , which may focus investigation. Analysis then unpacks such solutions and identifies implications.

Issue Clarification
is provisionally labeledpotentially respond to . Depending on influences from higher Centres and pressures from individuals wanting to , they may choose to notice or to ignore campaigns. This response can be a form of validation (consent) or invalidation (dissent) of the .
Issue Identification
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can be activated and given shape by . The resulting report can potentially validate the significance of unmet needs or reveal biases and relevant factors leading to .
Issue Definition
is provisionally labeledoften serves as a public acknowledgement of , and can encourage to act and ensure the public gets more clarity about an issue.
Issue Legitimation
is provisionally labeledReview of the Structure so Far
The diagram shows the way issues thrown up either by legitimated, identified, clarified, defined and investigated.
or are handled. These issues must beL4: Construction of Narratives
Institutions require narratives to orient the public to their condition and any emerging problems. It is presented by high status individuals and publicized in the media.
Dynamic Duality
Any narrative is constructed by those expected or specifically tasked to do so. The idea is for all to repeat and possibly elaborate the narrative without altering it. This narrative, however produced, belongs to society. It is created to be society's account of a particular institution.
So, in the Tree, this level becomes a single balanced Centre:
.We will label

specify an orientation for society and therefore shape any by providing the expected context. Investigative may align with or seek to affect a , which is then likely to either accept what is revealed or to dissent by disparagement and dismissal.
Investigation Channelling
is provisionally labeledThe
may stimulate concerns about the future of the institution within , who then decide that investigation is essential. The awareness that inquiries may be instituted potentially affects how are constructed and conveyed.Institution Challenge
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also seek to provide a context for the . At the same time campaigns may affect the development and even credibility of the .
Institution Guidance
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do not appear to directly influence or be influenced by the promotion of particular . The narrative is general and oriented to all in society, while individual interests are too specific and numerous.
Continue to:
- L5-L7: Centres and Channels that question the institution.
Originally posted: 28-Mar-2023.