Bringing Goodness to Life
Everyday Goodness
A «better world» is a life infused with
. This goes way beyond good deeds. is a name for spiritual energy that it is assumed we may generate, whether or not we are aware of it at the time.
is brought to life, or into life, through using the various means for in the structural hierarchy just described. The present final framework in this series deals with how the components in that framework interact with each other positively.

When it comes to «spiritual condition of your own psychosocial world, not wider society. This world of yours is the only «world» you should expect to make better, even if wider ramifications are possible.More on Your Limitations
As usual, dynamic interaction is mapped via a Tree structure. The Structural Hierarchy turned on its side (see diagram) shows the Levels to be examined.
Organizing this Inquiry
Everything here is purposive. A deep level of creativity seems to be necessary in accord with the original explanation of transcendence in terms of: "it doesn't have to be like this". As explained,
- the upper 3 Levels seem purposive primarily in a motivational sense
- the Lower 3 Levels seem purposive primarily in a responsibility sense
- in the middle, awareness (the better Self) that can mediate motivation and responsibility.
THEE the dynamic duality, provides the basis for investigation. These steps are not a temporal sequence but a natural ordering of psychosocial requirements to help exposition:
in this way is a dynamic process, with an inherent and unavoidable polarizing tension. Gaining clarity about this polarity, called inStep-1: I must create a world that binds me to my great dream.
Step-2: I must coexist with others while ensuring my world persists.
Step-3: I must make goodness a criterion for my choices and activities.
Step-4: I must protect my energies and actively prevent their depletion.
- Start with the downward flow of motivation from my .
Originally posted: 5-Jul-2013