Producing Goodness
Your Responsibility for Goodness
There is a massive conflict between our humanity and our societies, aspects of which are often primitive in the extreme. Still, we must live in our societies for better or worse. Correspondingly, the biggest challenge in rising to the occasion. At such times, personal awareness and principles refuse to submit to social and egocentric pressures.
isMost of us think of a better world in terms of the empirical world, wholly or largely outside of ourselves. We want the reduction or eradication of poverty, ignorance, war, illness. Such goals are worthy: they derive from empathy with others and
that make life meaningful. Although such grand goals cannot realistically be your personal responsibility, you can still make a difference.The context within which you make a difference is your psychosocial world: this is created by you and is therefore unequivocally your responsibility. Betterment here is a function of experiencing a personal responsibility for
Can I really make a difference?
In this section, we consider the psychosocial components that you can use to ensure next section, I will explain how THEE orders these components so you can be the change you want to see in the world.
in your personal life and therefore in the wider world. In theMake «Your Life» Your Project

All efforts to use of a better Self ( ). The question that arises is whether it is possible to move from a as a state of awareness to making your usual self a vehicle for the creation of goodness. In this regard, it is far preferable if many or all of the are used simultaneously. In the previous framework (RH"), they can function separately.How?
However, transcendence is easy.)
is not an endeavour in itself. is a value within that can guide and permeate endeavours throughout your life. Remember: are created by an act of . (Forgotten? Then review:The Structural Hierarchy is generated in which each Level uses all in combinations. The proposed THEE-name for the result is: . It has many components: but you don't use all of them all of the time.
is taxonomically enabled by perceiving each of the as a special-purpose . Then, to ensure all are persistently in play, aThis
offers a practical and realistic way to handle everyday life, work, and even the most difficult personal and social issues in a way that you and others can deem . is usually explained in terms of specific and . The trouble is that this leads to a long string of desirable and noble demands outside your control. This way of thinking conjures up a terrifying and depressing (or persecuting) vision of the perfect person that none of us can ever be. In the present conception, you may at times fail to generate when you could. However, the goal is not perfection. Nor is there any permanent self-thing that just «is» good. must permeate endeavours and not be its own endeavour: that way lies sanctimony.If you wish to see the final result now, click here.
Leap even further ahead and see in advance the dynamic framework for
, which is derived from this result.- Otherwise, start by understanding how the new framework is constructed.
Originally posted: 29-Mar-2013