Entertain Great Dreams: RsH"-G7

In necessarily use humanity's . However …
is limited by and releases .In conscientiously use humanity's . However …
, you…
is both limited by and releases .In spontaneously use humanity's . However …
, you…
is limited by and releases .In thoughtfully use humanity's . However …
, you…
is limited by and releases .In creatively use humanity's . However …
, you…
is limited by and releases .In wholeheartedly use humanity's . However …
, you…
is limited by and releasesNow read on:
Greatness in All
Every single person is capable of great things in relation to others. This stems from a deep and simple humane motivation to live with others in a good world that is so different from what we see around us. It's a dream, a . This dream is about having a personal vision of a world and believing that any that comes into the world can start as easily from you as from anyone else. Indeed it must start from you or why should it start from anyone else?More
Heptad. This Heptad unifies the , so it completes this framework.
emerges by adding the 7th final and highest , , to generate the singleThe function of sustain a vision of goodness capable of unifying humanity. Mankind needs and deserves such visions. As an example, watch this speech from the end of Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator, and imagine what it would be like to be left unmoved.
is toLink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7GY1Xg6X20
I propose the additional quality associated with the 7thexpectancy. Expectation is a form of gentle intrapersonal and interpersonal pressure that permits and facilitates. There is no guarantee of a world where prevails, but you must be expectant, both in regard to yourself and in regard to others.
isThe only general expectation that is possible of every single person is an into all interactions and activities. This, in turn, is dependent on a motivation that is and unsullied. Such a motivation towards exists innately within each of us and remains available lifelong as a . It need never be spoiled or destroyed. But it can suffer through neglect or by—it's almost too awful to think about—a deliberate contempt for .
Infusing Goodwill: R"G71
As in the Pentads and Hexads, is best explained through its Internal Structure.

g7: requires expectant with the psychosocial reality of others: above all, their primal values. Not only do you expect with each and all, you must expect them with you. If your is , then they will.
g6: requires a wholehearted to psychosocial realities as they are. It is impossible to by coercing change through wielding power and control. Reality is as it is. So of your to situations can create a foundation and potential for good to emerge all round.
g5: requires creative . As noted in being cooperative and being active, most is part of our work, which should itself be intrinsically creative. This double injection of creativity suggests or perhaps confirms that the often poses .
g4: requires thoughtful for others in a way that is appropriate to them and accords with the situation.
g3: requires spontaneous which will depend on past experiences that provide a direct point of reference.
g2: requires conscientious for . This means sustaining a continuing awareness of yourself and your interactions, especially to restrain inappropriate egotistic or power-based tendencies.
g1: requires necessary as you proceed.
It is your R"G1 Monads. This brings us full circle.
and the originating in that provide the logic for via humanity's : the- The whole framework can now be reviewed.
- The following section investigates the dynamics of bringing goodness to life.
Originally posted: 24-May-2013