Overcome Pain: RsH"-G3

In necessarily use humanity's . However …
is limited by and releases .In conscientiously use humanity's . However …
, you…
is both limited by and releases .Now read on …
The Paradox of Strength

As explained, the that lead to inherently generate pain and fear. The use of commonly leads to division, stress, difficulty, or disruption—either for you or for someone else. of pain and mastering suffering is the highest demand of personal .
The next step in Triad. The function of these is to repair the inevitable disruptions to goodness in human existence.
is therefore about in an appropriate way. This is made possible by adding a third adjacent to create . Each is aWhile it is not possible to remove suffering entirely or permanently from human life, it is possible to repair that breach in unity between a person and the presumed cause. The cause might be attributed to another person, a group, society, the environment, or God. That breach spoils the sense that «life is good».
It is likely that most people reflexly do the right thing because, at the moment it is required,
often seems just common sense. However, all too often, is not so easy: suffering persists, pain is not overcome and a sense that «life is not good» persists.When this is the case, you must develop habits so that use of the
becomes instinctive. You will then act spontaneously, improving your life and benefiting those about you. The quality of the third level is described as spontaneous.The
are:■ -R"G35
■ -R"G34
■ -R"G33
■ -R"G32
■ -R"G31

Confusion #1: THEE does not analyze words for their meaning. It observes, investigates and then assigns names that resonate appropriately. The names chosen here seem apt, but you may prefer alternatives, and these may be an improvement. Please make suggestions.
Confusion #2: The chosen THEE-names have other meanings. This is normal, because most words have several meanings. Usually the context makes matters clear. When clarity is essential in this website, I append the formula to the term.
Confusion #3: It is easy to mix up what humanity needs with what society values. I note that using the same name for the exercise of a generosity" and "forgiveness" are different THEE entities with different functions and implications when the terms refer to , rather than to .
and the is common: e.g. "The Social Significance of Suffering
Peace is an eternally sought-after state in social life. Pain and suffering are primary disrupters of peace and harmony amongst people. Interpersonal hostility can escalate into violence that destroys experience and precludes . So the are vital in dealing with interpersonal disruption/distress and restoring peace.
Interpersonal pain is based on:
- suffering intrinsic to human existence and directly ameliorated interpersonally via : the present focus.
- deliberate infliction associated with a lust for power, a naked ambition to dominate, and a flagrant disregard for review section. : see discussion in the
Explore via these Topics
1: Overview of the Ability to Heal
For each of the
, the function is proposed, the etymology is explained, and related concepts that might cause confusion are briefly noted.2: The Importance of Self-Purification
is currently poorly appreciated and possibly even unfashionable, presumably because of its demands for reflection. Perhaps it runs counter to current materialistic values.
3: The 5 Techniques of Healing
For each
, there is a detailed examination of the internal structure and the many ways that failure can occur at each internal level.4: Relationship to the Planes of Interpersonal Interaction
must be overcome primarily within interpersonal interactions to reduce the potential for discord which can escalate to hostility and end up as violence. There are 5 that appear to correspond to the as explained- Start with the overview.
Originally posted: 26-Apr-2013