Create a Better Communal Existence
Yet Another Challenge
Having enabled a «
» using the , you have discovered the essential instrument for enabling a « ».There seems to be little point in making the effort to go beyond your comfortable ego-oriented self on an occasional basis. Your «Face Your Choice:

The more people use a
, the better your . This mutual dependency or interdependency is a mark of our humanity. If everyone waits for the other to , then both social and spiritual progress will be inhibited.In the diagram at right, the 7 Levels are shown as Centres. A Tree framework looks possible because these , despite being derived from the incompatible , seem broadly congruent and supportive of each other. The quickest of appraisals suggests that they could interact i.e. the hierarchy is holistic. (More details in the Hub.)
In most THEE Trees, including the , the Centres are complex systems of choices or psychosocial states. So interactions take the form of bi-directional influences in the Channels i.e. the Centres alter each other. However, the are unchangeable rules, so interactions seem rather to be about the generation of additional rules that take account of more of the practicalities of social life. I am labeling these: Primal Precepts
Bypass all explanations and see the picture now.
Injunctions are Used within a Social Milieu
The Tree to be developed is named: .
If you imagine applying
now, you will sense that the moment you actually start to use an , you find yourself in a potential conflict due to being communally embedded. You immediately notice that your own intrinsic nature is relevant and that others are also impacted by your choices and actions. You simply cannot ignore either of these pressures.THEE the dynamic duality.
through obeying the is therefore a dynamic process, with an inherent and unavoidable polarizing tension. Discovery and development of this framework requires clarity about this polarity: called inOnce its effect on the
is known, investigation will follow in four steps. This is not a temporal sequence but a natural ordering of psychosocial requirements.Step-1: I must unite with others to provide the foundation of a decent social life.
Step-2: I must stabilizemyself in my milieu, recognizing that everyone in the community is a unique person with the same basic needs and obligations as me.
Step-3: I must thrive with others in my community by focusing on what protects and realizes our common social values.
Step-4: I must rise to the occasion at times, regardless of what anyone else thinks or does.

The order of exposition is reversed in these four steps in comparison to the order used to develop the frameworks for Sustaining Human Existence or for Pursuing Endeavour. Reminder of the usual procedure:
There are additional methods of exposition e.g. starting at the highest or lowest Centre and cumulating Levels and their interactions, one by one.
Why choose one method of exposition rather than another? I don't know at this point. However, the investigation and exposition must always accord with the spirit or nature of the particular framework. In this case, I can report that the above conventional order of investigation produced strange results: my naming went awry, the most pressing issue turned up last, and the most difficult turned up first. That did not make good sense.
As a reward, I appreciated for the first time why bypassing a Level was generally so powerful. Its effect is obviously to reinforce one or other of the two poles of the oscillating duality. Rather than odd and even Levels providing a balance for each other, they then combine and reinforce. This phenomenon deserves more investigation.
- Start by identifying the duality that marks the use of .
Originally posted: 31-Jan-2013