Egocentric Monsters
We Must Nurture a Monster
Egotistic tendencies often look rather bland. In many cases, they look and are positive, stemming from sensible concerns, natural wishes and expected ambitions. So ignoring their evil potential is easy. Evil is made even easier when consequences are not immediately evident, or if no-one will ever know. When it seems others are behaving in a similar way, succumbing to temptation is almost automatic.
So evil tendencies are rooted in our very self and our social milieu. They are sustained because the greater or lesser degree of harm caused by their realization can be obscure and ignored. Even if evil is often wilful or due to laziness, it is evident that much that is labeled «evil» or «failure to restrain evil» is inadvertent or based on ignorance. Review the cosmic struggle within.
evil. However, the benefit of adherence to any in any particular situation may not be evident, even on close scrutiny. may look superficially like a loss or defeat. It may attract social disapproval, or even generate ethical condemnation.
to protects against or inhibits the tendency to willingly generateThis is because
are about protecting the best in human nature, not protecting social mores and local laws, and certainly not about winning in a situation or getting your own way. The benefit accrues to humanity.-
Compare this requirement with the framework about , which is based in societal ethics where egocentric drives are taken for granted.
So the Injunctions are Hard
Despite their impersonality,
seem rather straightforward and natural. Yet a moment's reflection reveals that switching on a « » is often hard for most us.The great religions and philosophies, aware of this difficulty, advise regular contemplation of one's daily life. They provide inspirational texts to help keep attention on the demands and implications of the exposition and will be developed further in the topics to follow.
. The inherent difficulties in each were proposed in theirParadoxically, awareness of the need to
often fails to come to the fore precisely at the moment that it is most needed. The reason for this can be summed up in a word: egotism. In examining what egocentric monsters we can be, violation of the highest to emerges as the origin of our troubles.
Christopher Booker identified seven basic plots that underpin the world's great stories. The commonality that Booker perceives in his 7 plots is that they are all ultimately about one thing: the description and ultimate defeat of egocentricity by a self-hero who can then marry, receive a kingdom, and live happily ever after. This resolution is gratifying for us.
The root plot is about Killing the Monster. The monster represents egotism incarnate: hard-hearted, inhuman, incapable of warmth and relatedness. It is invariably defeated through being blind to its own vulnerability.
- Start with the primary solution to egocentricity.
Originally posted: 7-Dec-2012