What is a «Better Self»?
Relation to Your Usual Self

In referring to a «
», I am adopting a turn of phrase. You have only one unique «true self»: that is your egocentric-self built on your memories, experiences, abilities, values, activities &c. It is a pattern that emerges in your experience that maintains a sense of continuity and distinctiveness, despite your maturation and ever-changing situations and mental states. Your self is something that you inherit, discover, construct, co-evolve. You possess and use this self to live and as a point of reference.In addition, you have an awareness of that egocentric-self. This awareness capacity/activity, being unchanging and contentless, is therefore viewed as your «real-self» in Eastern spiritual traditions. You can see it represented as the embedded head in the THEE-online logo.
Your awareness (i.e. your real-self) to ensure to the . This is the only way to put your egocentric-self in perspective, and to allow it/you/me to gain more control over its/your/my tendencies.
refers to application of yourThe goodness and respecting the grain of human nature. This seems crucial for sustaining humanity. things may and will happen, but evil is inhibited. Exactly how, will become clearer as the are first explored and then elaborated via an examination of evil.
is therefore an inner mental stimulus for sustainingIs it Better Self or Best Self? Should it be Higher or Highest Self?
Why Emphasize Obedience?
is commonly considered as a , and it can serve as an . But when some rule seems natural or beneficial for us, we barely notice that we are . Rules of success and rules of happiness abound on the Internet without the term « » ever appearing—it must be taken for granted. With reflection and by the end of the section, these should seem obvious and reasonable for you, as well as being suitable for everyone else.
Question: The aspiration for freedom is quintessentially human, and autonomy is essential for creativity. Even if dedication to
has been identified in one , how can for all be reconciled with this aspiration for freedom?Answer: Freedom is not lost. Just as we are free to do good, we remain free to release evil. However, to these gives us a way to restrain and counteract tendencies to evil within ourselves and others.
exist to be obeyed willingly, they cannot be imposed, coerced or legislated. Exhortation, admonition, encouragement, persuasion and even entreaty are therefore brought to bear. It should be no surprise that forms of the are widely advocated in blogs, inspirational tweets, sermons, school-day speeches, political campaigns and the like. There are also philosophers and theologians who offer specialized ideological accounts.Dealing with Evil
The Model Beings framework revealed that good and evil shape the and are therefore as deeply embedded in our everyday psychosocial life as time and space are in our physical-biological life. It was suggested that these taken together constitute the which requires the energies of goodness. Evil, by contrast, depletes the and contributes nothing.
Even without that speculative analysis, it is simple to note that:
- a tendency to evil is intrinsic in « »,
- evil is released all too often and seemingly unnecessarily, and
- something systematic needs to have evolved to restrain evil.
framework puts flesh on our intuitive notion that we each can activate a « » in order to:- enable the sustenance of goodness, &
- restrain tendencies to evil in ourselves.
To Repeat: Because obedience is a manifestation of human freedom.
are based in , you are as free to refuse as to obey any of them. Coercion is impossible in any case. SoHave a preparatory look at how Table:►
Review the structure of this section.
- Commence now with the first and most fundamental to get enjoyment. :
Originally posted:16-Nov-2012