Structure of this Section

Section Goal
My goal for this section is to get the produce goodness».
well-formulated and to understand their properties, relationships and interactions. This will allow me to focus (in the next section) on how a « » contributes to a «better world», one that enables each and all of us to flourish; and then (in the subsequent section) on how each of us can «Each
will be determined by identifying and extracting an essence within its corresponding . does not require commitment to its originating , nor any belief in that , nor even knowledge of it.More on Extracting the Essence
Follow the Section's Structure
- Examine each by considering:
- Derivation from the corresponding .
- Potential misconceptions about the .
- Why the is so hard to obey.
You can go through the click here to select what is of most interest.
Compare the 7 Primal Injunctions in terms of whether calls primarily for getting a stronger grip or for paying more attention.
Review the nature of evil, as revealed by the specifically, and by THEE analysis more generally.
Then consider how the various creating a better world.
interact to provide guidance for -
The section concludes with a comparative analysis of codes for living that emanate from:
- requirements for
- finding a , &
- expressing a .
This throws a light on the evolution of religious-spiritual commandments over the millennia, including modern-day more personal spiritual codes.
, it was immediately evident that there were different called for by (which entails «setting a rule accepted by each and all»). In the present instance, once the were determined with confidence, the requirement to in specific ways linked to each also became rather obvious.
- Start by clarifying what is meant by «. »
Originally posted:16-Nov-2012