Our Primal Quests : RH'

The Puzzle

What, if any, «Mindset/Mentality/Approach/Paradigm» governs or shapes the way we each develop our life? I do not refer here to the choice of any specific endeavour or vocation, but to what governs our varied and numerous endeavours in general.

Standard Answer-1: Over millennia, thinkers have repeatedly proposed that we wish our existence to be happy &/or meaningful. That sounds right. So this nested RH'L6-system probably deals with the mindset that we use, to find happiness &/or meaning in our existence.

Root Typology nested with Purpose (RL6)

Standard Answer-2: Over millennia, thinkers have proposed that each person's life has a purpose, but it is up to each to determine that purpose. It is usual in THEE for the 6th Level in a hierarchy to contain a special set of entities that compete to govern how the hierarchy should be operated. Here the hierarchy is endeavour. Because our endeavours define our life, a Typology of purposes of life should be found within RHL6-Purpose.

To explore further, we must Closedzoom out rather than focus down.

The Challenge

To identify and formulate an underpinning or overarching psychosocial system that is:

  • intrinsically purposive and potentially life-long i.e. could be labelled a «purpose of life»;
  • explicitly personally accepted and also observable/inferable by others;
  • the meaning of happiness &/or meaning for you;
  • an influence on many personal endeavours-RH, and career choices, and possibly leads to specific activities or projects;
  • widely distributed amongst people in all societies;
  • found in at least 7 distinctly different forms.

The formal name provisionally given to this system is: Primal Quest.

What is a «Primal Quest»?

Each Primal Quest is a purpose for living and must have a discrete function in the search for happiness/meaning.

ClosedWhy «Primal»?

ClosedWhy «Quest»?

ClosedTechnical Predictions

The Root Typology of Primal Quests is tentatively assumed to be structurally similar to a Principal Typology in that:

Next Steps

The Primal Quest Typology specifies the options we have for seeking and finding happiness or meaning throughout our lives.

  • See the structure of this inquiry in terms of Framework development.
  • If you feel confused already, look at what might cause confusion: 

  • If you want to see an overview of all the Quests first, visit the initial review. There is a more complicated Matrix further on dealing with Quest practicalities.

  • If you are impatient, start with a short introduction to the 7 life purposes and primary sources of happiness, and take it from there.

Originally posted: 18-May-2012