Handling Being Employed
An Employee's Interests
Remember: Each of these Centres contains a lot! To remind you what is inside them, review review the introduction &/or the originating framework.
Ready? Start now with the way employees view the 7Groupings/Levels (shown in the diagram). The internal duality is proposed as yourself v your work.

The Centre at the centre is CG-4: framework for management.
. Above and below it, there is a standard progression—similar (but not identical) to that found in theCG-1: orienting your work by .
CG-5: orienting yourself by in the organization.
CG-2: controlling your work by
CG-6: controlling yourself by to the organization.
CG-3: energizing your work by
CG-7: energizing yourself by of the organization.

This is about energizing and controlling yourself in accord with the compact you have explicitly and implicitly agreed. These two levels mean that you unequivocally subordinate yourself to the organization and its goals. Detail:
The organization is continually altering in response both to its choices and to external events. So this is about handling yourself flexibly on a day-to-day basis in a way that is adaptive and supportive. This conduct reveals both your loyalty (via your self-control) and your involvement (via orienting yourself).Detail:
This is about focusing on your appraisal, noticing what is going on around you, being alert and flexible, joining in generally and recognizing your vulnerability. These two levels allow you to orient yourself and review your work, and so provide for necessary self-protection within the employment situation.Detail:
This is about energizing and reviewing work in a way that ensures others validate your efforts. Your performance must fit with your situation and with the organization's too. You should be proud of your work. But what counts in the end within employment is the perception of your managers and co-workers. Detail:
This is about being able to work effectively with others: in part because your performance is satisfactory, and in part because you have the necessary social skills to get their interest and cooperation. These two levels, energizing and controlling your work, provide you with credibility amongst your co-workers. Detail:
This is about involving others so you can deal with your challenges. These two levels orient and energize your work and relationships, and manifest as the determination essential to get anything worthwhile done. If determination deteriorates under overload, it becomes experienced as external pressure rather than an internal drive.Detail:
Knowing what
is about, we can construct the framework step by step.- So now apply the dynamic duality of Self v Organizationto each of the Centres.
- Skip this systematic development of Centres and Channels and continue to the end result and what it reveals.
- See the equivalent to this page for management .
- Compare the Management and Employee frameworks.
Originally posted: 17-Dec-2011