Cultures in Organizations
First: What is Culture?
Culture is a set of enduring values (beliefs, value systems) that are held by a group and that define its identity.
In an organization, cultures are of two sorts:
It is useful to develop a culture that will:
● maintain the distinctiveness (identity) of the organization
● support its effective functioning
● enable a good fit with its market and social environment.
Then: What is «Management Culture»?
Management exists to ensure successful achievement. So a is a developed culture containing values deemed essential for achievement.
■ Q: Who is responsible?
■ Q: Where do «appropriate values» come from?
■ Q: How do provide values?
The set of values characteristic of each «method/approach for » is referred to as its «mode of ».
The modes of » derived from THEE's approaches to .
of an organization is defined by the pervasive presence (or absence) of values from the «
No. It spontaneously develops once a group of people start working together.
can be deliberately improved and progressively strengthened—but only if top management understand its importance and its natural evolution.Directly sustaining and developing the culture is rarely addressed as explicitly, thoughtfully and determinedly as it should be. Management culture typically gets far less attention than, say, developing and implementing plans or running operational systems.
Often the
seems to flow from a dominant personality: typically the Chief Executive. Heads of departments can also produce distinctive sub-cultures within their sphere of influence.Stages = New Values
Changing a culture involves identifying and installing the requisite values. These values must be explicitly applied, written down and talked about until they are fixed in memory. That is the only way to overcome their strangeness, and to permit genuine identification and understanding.
How values in each Stage will be explained:
Cultural growth at every stage depends on starting from where you are and experiencing an urgent need to do better. Where you are, in too many cases, is a «neglected culture».
- Check here to see whether yours is a neglected cutlure.
- Recognize the drivers of «natural» cultural evolution.
- See a diagram of the whole developmental process now.
Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011