Signs/Significance: Fill in the Picture at L3
Function and Name

THEE-name for: «things that are used to signify (i.e. indicate or suggest) something else within the same domain of discourse.». To get fix on this element, focus on its effect: .
is theThe receiver may view certain things as
(i.e. as something in the same manner. fits the " i.e. if something is , then it is a .Properties
- The sender of a must provide, possibly non-verbally or via a known context, an indication of the relevant topic (or domain) where is to be recognized. Otherwise, its meaning cannot be properly understood by the intended recipient.
- The recipient must notice the , and value it as a pointer to something else within the indicated topic. The recipient needs sufficient knowledge and reasonable judgement. If those conditions apply, the phenomenon then something, and an appropriate response may be made.
e.g. you show your doctor a rash. This rash

A husband notices his wife is somewhat silent over dinner.
In trying to determine whether this is a communication (i.e. a communicative event), many thoughts go through his mind. He reviews silences in the past. He recalls recent discussions and episodes of disagreement. He thinks about their plans for the coming days, and more.
At last, he concludes that the silence is (say) a response to her hearing that their son is about to travel abroad and she is worrying about it.
Assuming he is correct, in this situation she has communicated her worry to him by a
(silence) and its has been grasped. He understood what the silence signified because the 'silence' and the 'worry' are all part of the sphere of family life that the husband knows intimately.
However, the wife's silence might be viewed as an unembroidered
meaning «something is not quite right». That could be enough to resolve the communicative impasse. The husband might ask "is something bothering you?" and the wife then responds genuinely: "I'm worried about our boy's trip abroad."But the wife may respond defensively to the husband's failure to recognize the
. So she says: "Everything is fine for me, dear—but it seems to me you haven't been saying much tonight either—did you have trouble at work, dear?"Errors & Failure
All the errors that apply for Stimulating-L1 and Signaling-L2 also apply to
Problems can be specific to this level. The sender may not know that the recipient lacks requisite knowledge or is unwilling to use that knowledge. The recipient may also make mistakes: in judging, or through insufficient knowledge, or by misattribution of the
to another field of discourse that is irrelevant.

, enable meanings to translate (or be translated) and transfer (or be transferred) within a domain of knowledge or arena of discourse that is relevant and easy to distinguish.Hierarchy: As in the example, include and imply . It is just that , seemingly so precise and useful, turns out to be too limited in coverage to be workable for complex situations or when the response involves complexity.
- Now move up to the communication element that ignores boundaries.
Originally posted: 10-Apr-2011; Last updated 25-Sep-2011.