Get More: Intellectual Technologies
Far more benefit will accrue if you engage with various intellectual technologies that can be generated from this simple 7-level Subsidiary Typology.
Would you like to develop an instrument or tool that will help people use this framework in a more systematic way? If so, contact us to discuss your ideas and proposals.
Well-being & Productivity
The mentalities can be divided into two sets mediating two essential social needs; revealing many features critical to our functioning as individuals, and to our organizations and societies.
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Business & Markets
These adaptations of the framework clarify:
- Money & Work
- How Business gets Damaged
- Where Markets get their Values
- Getting Work via Alternatives to the Market
Derived Frameworks
Given that the basics are understood, a variety of useful intellectual technologies can be developed:
- A new Framework for How Organizations must Harness their People
- A new Framework for Career Development
- A new Framework for the Holy Grail of management: Cooperating for Results
- A new Framework for Making a Business Profitable
- A new Framework for all possible Strategies for Marketing
- The Framework used unawares by governments Intervening in the Economy
The Above Applications are all Based on Incorporating Elements of All 7 Approaches
are essential. This is because they all provide benefits and suit different inter-personal and social challenges.
and the intensity of feelings that surround each. However, a way to enable compatibility exists.
- The first step is to get a stronger fix on the benefits that accrue to yourself and to others. That will allow you to explore self-development and societal contributions when using the approaches.
Originally posted: July 2009