Reviewing the Handling of Political Tensions
Framework Development
We can now consider the complete Tree that reveals the of the in a society. Alternatively, it can be viewed as a in a society.

Note: The Channels are currently under investigation. Given the numerous Tree frameworks developed from first principles, the pattern is now regarded as established. The result is as shown in the diagram here.
This framework has been provisionally developed via the following steps:
Step 1: Determining that the integrative/unifying v divisive/splitting duality is crucial in any intervention in political life, and applying that duality to the Groupings/Levels in the structural hierarchy.
Step 2: Preventing social disruption by recognizing that intra-level Channels must exist where there are two Centres in one Level.
Step 3: Identifying ways that people use politics to alter their society, based on Channels that cross one Level.
Step 4: Identifying how heightened political tensions get resolved by the use of Channels crossing two Levels. Not all possibilities are functional.
Step 5: Recognizing societal harmony as the anchor of political life that runs between the ( ) and ( ).
The People are the Source of Power
«The powerful» and «the people», the previous internal duality, are here both fully engaged and integrated at every Level.
Participation in political life and change in societal institutions form the new internal duality. This is shown on the left together with the way these two dynamics appear to progress.
While participation is a responsibility of «the people» with each as an autonomous agent, the desired change has to draw on the «sources of power» intrinsic to societal life. These sources spring from «the people».
It appears that change at the societal level is not the monopoly of «the powerful» (who generally prefer the status quo). «The powerful» will seek to manipulate «the sources of power»—but they can do so only as long as the people allow them. That permission is a function of the maturity and awareness of the people en masse. «The powerful» cannot withstand . This takes us back to where we started this inquiry: the Spiral of Political Maturation.
You can now: review the emergence of this Tree starting from the initial THEE process diagrams;
Compare this Tree with the earlier Tree .
- Suggest uses/applications for this framework.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Oct-2023.