Political Leadership in Society

By naturally participate in the 7 arenas of …
people…which are sustained and constrained by those who feel obligated to to make a difference:
, these become adept at using some of the 6 ……which are sustained and constrained by self-interestedly taking advantage of emerging :
, harness one or more of the 5 ……which are sustained and constrained by formally exploring distinct perspectives on :
, government and society expect to benefit from 4 ...… which are sustained and constrained by openly ensuring their as possible solutions for society:
, society expects effective handling of issues by recognizing 3 …… now read on:
To get an overview picture of the pattern for
, click on the titles below:
Elected Leadership
Appointed Leadership
Emergent Leadership
We will now emphasize how the
differ in their handling of the same arena of .
leaders respond to their constituency’s interests above all else. So this arena is ignored.
leaders do not deviate from the definition of their duties. So this arena is ignored
openly identify and condemn inattention to genuine , and that gets them a following.
leaders respond to their constituency’s interests above all else. So this arena is ignored so far as is possible.
openly apply relevant in the discharge of their duties.
leadersformally specify for all activities to strengthen their following by displaying support for relevant values and beliefs.
openly claim as a basis for choices that are primarily aimed to benefit their constituency.
leadersformally specify in their discharge of responsibilities.
leadersself-interestedly articulate as a basis for their pursuits.
formally specify and prioritize the requiring to be addressed according to implications for their constituents.
leadersself-interestedly handle any that arises within their area of responsibility and authority.
leadersobligated to respond to popular current in order to be perceived as relevant and attuned.
leaders are
self-interestedly make, defend or attack according to how their constituency’s interests are affected.
leadersobligated to make and oversee their execution; and they also respond officially to decisions made by other authorized bodies.
leaders arenaturally focus on that either benefit or harm people in getting particular needs met.
obligated to uphold the to maintain societal respect for their position and for their constituency.
leaders arenaturally uphold the , which often defines their role and the nature and duties of the body they lead.
leadersleaders are not concerned with the , even if defying the law may at time be judged appropriate to bring attention to injustices.

naturally observe closely, and respond to threats and opportunities.
leaders, who head up and activate an organized group themselves,leaders are expected to be impartial as regards to and be neutral or keep away from such battles.
leaders are outside the established structure and so do not engage here at all.
More about systems for changing society.
- Continue to the political will in society.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010