Mind-sets in Policy Inquiries
Interaction between the government and the policy source is crucial to proposals. Policy generation is also influenced by how the players imagine that government will deliver benefits for the public.
TOP contains a framework that helps us understand what is going on when people interact for gain (e.g. as you are doing now in visiting this website).

As well as helping you become aware of how you interact with others (and how others seek to interact with you), this framework also provides insights in regard to:
- Developing your career
- Harnessing people in organizations
- Cooperating for results
- Developing a commercial ethos
- Generating marketing strategies
- Governmental economic management
«THEE framework developed as part of TOP and is not published or available in conventional print form.
» was the first majorTHEE identifies distinctive approaches (or mindsets) when interacting for benefit. Each has sharply differing assumptions about what to think, aim for and do. Compare the 7 mentalities/approaches here.
Application to Policy Inquiries
…are based on
+ assumptions.
…are based on
+ assumptions. quadrant where there is a focus on productivity and a commitment to ideas. These ideas are never universally shared in society.…are produced within a
setting. All officials become socialized in handling power. However, all approaches (except probably) are needed for high quality papers. and approaches. who have been recruited from business for this specific reason. Some people in specialist departments will likely be experts. In the higher reaches of some departments there is certainly a need for staff who are .…are produced from a
viewpoint which is combined in industry with a approach; and by advocacy groups with a approach. quadrant, makes a significant societal contribution (note X-axis); possibly more so than advocacy groups with a place in the quadrant. However, in both cases, the aspect in the SELFISH quadrant provides a warning. by leads to a degree of commonality. The conventions and habits of doing deals, mutual favours, seeking control, kickbacks and so on are well understood on both sides. groups impact on government through effects on voters. So politicians keep a careful eye on which groups are genuinely popular and supported (regardless of what is being advocated).Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2011