Participating in Political Life
Politics of Everyday Life
Here we consider the everyday political rough-and-tumble within a society. Preview the final story-diagram now.
Pericles—“just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean that politics won’t take an interest in you”—recognized in 360 BCE that everyone takes at least some part in politics by being:
- a member of a community and social groups,
- a recipient of politically-driven decisions, &
- a witness to politics as a spectator sport.
Playing an active part in politics is something else.
Reminder: How we got to this point in our inquiry.
Participating in Politics is Easy
You just decide to recognize your responsibility for what happens in society—and take this seriously. But how? To answer, we will start by clarifying the meaning of «responsibility for what happens in society».
The findings (view them here) may look obvious, but that is the paradox—seeing the obvious can be rather difficult. Clarifying elements in a simple step-by-step way makes it much easier.
«Accountability» for Political Participation

A participative quality seems to be a feature of Structural Hierarchies and it applies in this modelling of .
Such hierarchies are built on grouping adjacent Levels of THEE’s 7-level hierarchies that are holistic (i.e. its Levels imply or include each other). A hierarchy derived from a Spiral transformation is holistic, and therefore allows this re-modelling.
The first «Level» in a Structural Hierarchy is a Grouping of 1 Level i.e. contains 7 Groups that are Monads. The next «Level» will contain all Groups of 2 adjacent Levels i.e. contains 6 Dyads … and so on.
As a result, every G-Level contains all the Levels of the originating hierarchy i.e. the original differentiation of an entity into Levels has been replaced by a re-unification applicable at each G-Level. Presumably, this is the basis of the participative quality.
Because this Structural Hierarchy emerged from a Spiral, the formula prefix is properly: .
- Continue by clarifying: responsibility for what?
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010.