Get Oriented to Coping
Life is a Challenge
Life was not meant to be easy. The notion of «automatic creative response, but the success of any particular endeavour cannot be taken for granted.
» may bring with it anToo many consecutive failures of important endeavours become unhealthy. We start to doubt others, we start to doubt the wider environment, and sooner or later we start to doubt ourselves. Positivity, as an essential creative input, can fade away.
Fortunately, a protective system exists within us and is revealed by the Taxonomy. This system is the controller of endeavours. It guides our constructive entanglements with reality as we pursue endeavours.
Life is Endeavour
The simple discovery in THEE, now assumed valid, is that human life is composed of endeavours that are driven by . The analysis of these personal endeavours revealed both the and the essentials of human creativity. Because every level of Will creates (or emanates) its own complex Primary Domain, the contextual functioning of Will forms the Root Domain.
The fundamentals of the Root Domain have been developed as shown in the diagram: vehicle for the Will, is the effect of genuine endeavours, and a with realities is the field within which Will, its endeavours and creativity operate.
is the
Primal Quests Optimize Endeavours
Better Self satellite, consists of , which are paradigms that govern a person's choice of endeavours.
, like other Domains within the , has its own control source nested within the 6th Level. This Root Typology, posted in theLife is just a series of endeavours, and the
works, mainly silently, to optimize our life for us. As in most Typologies, we gravitate to just one or two Quests and ignore, minimize or actively reject the others.However, as with other Typologies, all
are perceived to contain values that are generally applicable and widely accepted.

humanity’s ethical codes: for existence, for rightness, and for goodness. See outline at right.
are nested within and there is further nesting within the . This led to identification of the which generated other structures enablingsurvival, and so something more basic can be expected to be found in the Spiral that draws on the Quests. This basic personal striving is proposed to be « ».
, like other Typologies, seek to optimize the choice of endeavours. However, the instinctual pressure of the Root Domain is forThe Spiral trajectory represents a temporal development of « », the essential «means» that drives and develops and other Root fundamentals. The essences of the Spiral modes then generate a Tree, which contains the determinants of an essential «need», taken to be « ». The is the origin of a triplet that via the structural hierarchy and its Tree, which is believed to enable « ».
It is time now to commence this investigation of
(the psychosocial pressure), (the need), (the means) and (the controller).Coping with Living vs Coping with Adversity
The coping with the human condition in general. It is not about coping with some specific event or coping with extreme adversity.
is aboutCoping with a specific situation is about maintaining mental stability and ensuring a capacity to continue without giving up. It appears to be one of the
is much broader than that. It is about how a person can and should manage life overall to maintain physical and mental health, to provide a roof over one’s head and food on the table, to be a valued member of a family and community.
Before pursuing the investigation in details, it is helpful to consider:
- THEE Path to the Spiral and beyond.
- Differences in the Root Spiral.
Originally posted: 9-Dec-2022