Flow of Influences
Change is driven in practice through an interaction between an envisaged
and a of the reality to be changed—and then that to the unforgiving factors and forces of the socio-physical environment.This requirement then flows down through the remaining levels, sometimes by-passing a level.
Influences across 1-Level
L6will directly affect both and the and be affected by these. The reverse influences will also occur.
Only by attempting representation, is it possible to grasp what the transformation entails. So:

is provisionally labeled Elucidate.
Any envisaged transformation needs to take account of the perceptions of those involved; and those perceptions will be strongly affected by any transformation potential. So:
is provisionally labeled Incorporate.
L5With two L6 Centres and two L5 Centres, there are 4 possible Channels of influence.
The and vice versa. However, they will not necessarily directly influence .
will naturally lead to specific that are agreed
is provisionally labeled Produce.
The and vice versa. However, they will not necessarily directly influence .
will naturally energize the choice of
is provisionally labeled Activate.
However, direct influence between chosen
and does not seem appropriate. Similarly, and are disconnected.L5
L4 & L4 L3and vice versa.
, both planned and spontaneous, will directly affect —The
is geared to ensure the entity will survive with minimum harm and therefore there is a close link with The reverse holds as well: the focus on will press for . So:
is provisionally labeled Control.
relation to is problematic because the issue is whether the adjustment does indeed enable sustainability. The reverse holds as well: the focus on must check whether any is feasible. So:
is provisionally labeled Permit.
Moving down, and vice versa.
will affect , both those determined in advance and those that are built on emergent opportunities—The
only has this status if it is , and is supported by such . So:
is provisionally labeled Confirm.
should be oriented by , and is dependent on that remove inefficiencies, poor quality and failures. So:
is provisionally labeled Resolve.
L2 & L2 L1
and vice versa.
, both imposed and built on what emerges, will directly affect the specification of —The
should be pursued by with the view to significant benefit accruing, and are most supported when such occur. So:
is provisionally labeled Augment.
should be implemented by designing , and will get their rationale from such . So:
is provisionally labeled Organize.
Finally, specifying and vice versa. any is expected to require a number of , and the are expected to produce the desired . So:
will directly affect the that are introduced—Deliver.
is provisionally labeledBy-passing Levels
From/To L7
floats above , whether personal or social, and those likewise do not, or should not, directly influence the that is envisaged.
However, and vice versa. This is because there is always a requirement for the conception as envisaged, however poorly realized, to be sustained. In the reverse direction, the realities of sustainability will affect what sort of transformation will be envisaged.
can directly influence —
provides the strongest rationale or , and is the foundation for any to be meaningful. So:
is provisionally labeled Underpin.
will not directly influence or be influenced by the Centres in , or , and vice versa. The gap is too great for that. But indirect influence is possible via Centres at , and .
From/To L6
will directly affect because they indicate exactly what needs to be sustained. The reverse influence also occurs because the capacity to sustain a change will affect how it is represented.
provides a place for , and efforts draw on the socially agreed for validation. So:
is provisionally labeled Uphold.
provide the energy for , and is a driver for any to be meaningful. So:
is provisionally labeled Animate.
will not directly impact or lower levels, they can and will influence these Centres indirectly via or .
From/To L5
There are potentially 4 direct channels between the 2 Centres of
and the 2 Centres of .and vice versa). However, such will not directly limit the because the impact of those adaptation must be mediated by
will directly limit how any is perceived and shaped (
is provisionally labeled Constrain.
will directly affect and likely encourage the and any such will have a direct effect on what are generated. However, these should not directly affect because these seem to be two opposing reactions to a situation.
is provisionally labeled Trigger.

From/To L4 and L3
can directly affect the specification of , and vice versa. However, it would not be appropriate to directly influence as any effect on these means would be mediated by or .
is provisionally labeled Limit.
, both those pre-determined and those responsive to events, can affect the that are introduced. The reverse influence is also possible.
As the
emerges, a particular may be tried; and that are introduced as part of other influences like an may well bring into focus opportunities for .
is provisionally labeled Highlight.
can be a rationale for particular , and that are introduced as part of other influences like an can support particular .
is provisionally labeled Justify.
Originally posted: 30-May-2024.