Preventing Disorder

In determining necessary Level.
, the first requirement has to be to prevent the disorder that comes from having two contrasting within the oneThe two Centres at each of Levels 3, 5 and 6 require linkage if order is to be preserved and the «control» expected at that Level is to be maintained.
In general it is far easier and less effort to be responsive than to be systematic, and this shows up here.
WL6S-Systematic Policy ↔ WL5R-Policy Response
are unavoidable, but they must be eventually incorporated or revised to fit within a if an identity for the organization is to be shaped. Conversely must take into account any existing in order to maintain coherence.
This Channel is labeled: Identity Maintenance.
To ensure identity maintenance, regular policy reviews are essential.
proliferate without regard to requirements, then resources allocated to mediate the response will end up being wasted. This is common in politically-controlled public agencies. to emergent situations is ignored in favour of existing policy, then the organization is in danger of being plunged into a financial, public relations or employee crisis.WL5S-Coherent Strategy ↔ WL5R-Ad hoc Strategy
are unavoidable, but they must be eventually incorporated or revised to fit within a if operations are not to become chaotic. Conversely must take into account existing in order to win support and introduce them effectively into operations.
This Channel is labeled: Operations Maintenance.
To ensure operations maintenance, regular strategy reviews are essential.
proliferate with scant regard for of the enterprise, managers within operations become increasingly reactive and start to lose a sense of what is wanted overall. Operations are particularly threatened where there is confusion about management structures or policies for management. are introduced without concern for previous &/or current . Top management then appears to be out of touch with operations, and initiatives may not be taken seriously.WL3R-Emergency Arrangement ↔ WL3S-Rational System
, however essential, must take into account the existing to avoid even worse problems. Conversely must take into account existing , either incorporating or revising them. The over-riding requirement is the use of systems to maintain operational control and implement management interventions of all sorts.
This Channel is labeled: Systems Maintenance.
To ensure systems maintenance, regular system reviews are essential.
proliferate without regard to the need for a , the situation on the ground will become chaotic. People may lose track of what the system is at any point. Conflicts and contradictions naturally develop requiring more fire-fighting and increasing work-stress. The end-result is to overwhelm staff and put operations at risk. are introduced and imposed, but staff are not empowered to generate . Again, situations will get out of hand and operations will be compromised.These three vital Channels preserve three essentials of management:
- what the organization is: identity maintenance via at
- what the organization produces: operations maintenance via at
- what the organization does: systems maintenance via at
- Given those requirements are met, pursuit of the mission comes into focus. This depends on interactions between Centres in immediately adjacent Levels.
Originally posted: 22-Feb-2014