Get a Perspective

The Story So Far

This Framework applies directly to all organizations that produce tangible goods and services. However, it is relevant to all bodies, regardless of their output, insofar as all are compelled to do the ordinary work of engaging with tangible realities.

The organisation-QH2 of concrete activities to produce tangible goods was summarized at the outset and then explained via:

Perspective on Paradoxes

Many paradoxes used to justify structuring (or tinkering with structural principles), disappear when viewed in terms of the work-levels framework.

ClosedCentralization v Decentralization

Within the Levels of Work Framework, it is foolish and counter-productive to either centralize or de-centralize authority. Posts must have the authority they need to handle their responsibilities, no more no less.

It can be dangerous to centralize or decentralize responsibilities because this may effectively be a demotion of certain roles. This can render managers helpless. However, it is possible to centralize or decentralize decision-making on non-core issues, or on a core issue as an emergency measure.

ClosedChange v Stability

In the Levels of Work Framework, the whole hierarchy is about change: work involves changing reality. So there is no conflict between change and stability, there is simply work-to-be-done.The higher levels deal with what changes are necessary and desirable for the whole organization, while lower levels must handle change within their area of responsibility. All keep the show on the road.

Integration and programming of major change initiatives within operations is the duty of general management at WL4, lying at the centre of the hierarchy. Nevertheless the higher levels (WL5-WL7) should recognize that they must set parameters—especially those specifying change—that have a degree of stability. Without that stability, operations flail in the wind and cannot deliver the required results on the ground.

ClosedControl v Empowerment

The work-levels approach provides for control over the context so as to empower employees to use their capabilities to the full. It rejects the «telling what to do» style of management because work is not primarily about doing (PH1) but about responsibility. Doing depends on the individual's creative interpretation of that responsibility within the situation.

The primary need is to ensure that the structure is designed properly (in accord with levels of management), that roles are filled properly (in accord with work capability) and line-management is properly installed (in accord with the expectations of employment framework).

Additional Perspectives

The notion of levels of work has achieved considerable recognition, although general acceptance and deep understanding is yet to come. The commonest issues and reactions have been covered, but now it is time to consider essential perspectives.

Originally posted: 8-Feb-2014. Last updated: 9-Feb-2014