Higher Motivations
Why Produce Goodness?
All inquiries within THEE start from the assumption that what is most distinctive about being human is our capacity to create a reality for ourselves and others. This particular inquiry assumes that is an important and distinctive part of being human.Compare materialist science ►
The idea of creating what is choose to rise to it—or not.
and making oneself and life in general better seems to be innate, at least for many or most, and probably potentially for all. However, no-one would doubt that it is a . As with any challenge requiring a creative response, we maySo the framework for creativity with its place for 1 is relevant.More
Motivation Correspondences in THEE
L | Purpose PH6 |
Motivation | Experience PH4 |
7 | Ultimate Value | Inspiration | Imagination |
6 | Value System | Obligation | Identification |
5 | Social Value | Need | Intuition |
4 | Principal Object | Interest | Idea |
3 | Internal Priority | Desire | Emotion |
2 | Strategic Objective | Intention | Image |
1 | Tactical Objective | Awareness | Sensation |
Motivations to be Responsible
Social existence, whatever the society, requires us to have a
. This responsibility relates to what others can reasonably expect of us and seems to be unique to human beings. Responsibility accompanies the holding of any or . is an unusual goal and the responsibility for it is also unusual in that it is not necessarily demanded in the social milieu.The Groupings are all responsibilities. (You can see these set out in a table in the next Topic):
discovered in the initial 3- by using the is the basic personal responsibility through which humanity's reservoir of spiritual energy is replenished.
- by using the is a communal responsibility, dependent on how well each person handles their intrapersonal, interpersonal and transpersonal spheres of uniqueness.
- by using is a humane responsibility because it is the feature of interpersonal interaction relevant to sustaining peace and harmony and avoiding violence or despair.
Groupings, but it is primarily in the form of an impersonal . using the is both the culmination of the obligation to be and also the source and result of appropriate .
applies within all theseIn moving onwards and upward,
does not disappear, but other more egocentric come to the fore. These provide an appealing human rationale for the lower components.- The most basic motivation for is the . This is a personal motivation because inner peace and contentment, despite life's pressures, is naturally driven by , , and .
- The next driver for comes from the feelings that arise from . We seek to feel fully alive in our interactions with others, and so this is a communal motivation. Living, as distinct from merely existing and sleepwalking through life, may be felt as a or as a .
- that can make life for each and all is a humane motivation that is dependent on a and reserves of . It is potentially driven by , and .
- See other reflections on .
Originally posted: 7-Jun-2013