Being Awake: RH'L3
Demands of the Enlightenment Quest
provides for an advanced humanity in which the many aspects of the self, especially those that feel or seem alien, are explored and confronted as personally relevant. Acceptance of all possibilities is sought by using forgiveness to deal with pain, and openness to alter existing beliefs. As a result, illusions can be cast off and inner impurities can be rendered harmless. The end-point of acceptance is integration of a self.So the Awakened Being.
provides a model for existing that is named
The Awakened Being is shaped by the constant flux of social reality and the causes of pain and suffering within it. This activates the focus on so as to interact with and handle evolving events. The goal is to reduce the suffering and harm that flow from wrong thinking, wrong understanding, and wrong actions.
is about mastering . TheThe Awareness Plane
The model Awakened Being is constantly aware of the unity and inter-penetration of all things. This enables development of a capacity to attune to (i.e. see into or see through) interpersonal and social situations. The nature and strength of psychological and social forces are perceived, which allows aspects of the future to be described based on probabilities. Those who operate in a sustained way on this are viewed as sages or prophets.
The imagination operates as a power in its own right. What would be viewed as coincidences or irrelevant events to others may be noticed and understood as important communications. Such awareness triggers action or adjustment of plans, so it is not hypothetical or abstract knowledge. Communications of this sort mean that the cosmos is experienced as alive and constantly interacting in relation to deliberate creative efforts and associated tensions.
This existence is therefore assigned the THEE label: the .
on this Plane of Aware Existence is naturally:►
on this Plane of Aware Existence is naturally:►
- The shock of encountering an Awakened Being is palpable and noticed by all who come in contact. That may generate an urge to avoid hearing or knowing. However, if attention is given and scales do fall from the eyes, there can be a new more realistic and ethical handling of the issue under consideration.
From the perspective of those existing on the
, this seems quite unreachable and those on it potentially dangerous. Because it is impossible to emulate, the knowledge of what is happening and what should be done appears nearly magical. In any case, paying attention to what is said does not seem worth the effort, because practical implications and implementation issues are rarely evident or they demand far too much personal effort and change.Unless there is constant supervisory guidance, awareness-based communications are cherry-picked or distorted and attenuated to suit personal use. The actions taken are often half-measures that are wildly askew or inappropriate, and possibly worse than doing nothing. The usual response to an enlightened analysis is: "Sounds nice. Tried it once. But it just doesn't work in practice."
- From the perspective of those existing on the , the awareness can often be experienced as an exciting breakthrough. It is perceived to be correct and provides emotional release and relief. However, it is sensed as too advanced to be accepted and used with others. Conventional wisdom and everyday customs exert a powerful pull that can lead to switching off contact with the source of enlightenment. However, sometimes the wisdom of the counsel is recognized and followed, despite the challenge and the considerable personal courage and effort required.
- From the perspective of higher , functioning on this is viewed as essential for the development of humanity and the management of evil.
- Now consider the most advanced state possible for a human being: cosmic consciousness.
Originally posted: 14-Sep-2012