Employment Relationships
There is nothing especially new on this webpage. The ideas are laid out differently because the focus here is on tensions in employment. The layout helps the exploration of two new Frameworks.
Comparing the Two Perspectives
An organization has a range of requirements for functioning effectively. An employee and the management necessarily perceive these requirements through the filter of their different perspectives and (ethical) obligations.
► Management is required to organize and handle employment, i.e. the employees and their work, for the organization.
► Employees are concerned with being employed, i.e. getting employment in the organization and staying employed.

The 3 sets of requirements are shown in the diagram and described further here. In the diagram, the Organization's Requirements, as developed earlier, are shown on the left as a vertical hierarchy. The central vertical hierarchy shows Management's view of what « » involves. The far right vertical hierarchy shows the Employee's view of what « » entails.
Elaborating the Diagram
CG1: Work for the Organization
for others.
CG2: Authority within the Organization
to get your work done. You should exert assigned authority—but it may not apply in some cases, and it may be ignored where it does apply. As your primary need is to influence, you must develop the social skills needed to use available
CG3: Results for the Organization
, much of which is just process. Far more effort, determination and application of resources are required to , and this is where management has a major role. Some would say this defines management. Results are sought in
must be deployed. That manager, often with the aid of other managers, then ensures that all other needed resources (financial, technical, material, informational &c.) are mobilized and properly applied—efficiently and economically—to deliver the desired result.
. Whoever is managing you expects no less. You must call on all your abilities to get needed resources, overcome obstacles and deal with unexpected frustrations (emerging in accord with
CG4: Assessments by the Organization
. While line-managers do the
CG5: Flexibility of the Organization
for individual employees, or classes of employees, or even all employees in the context of organizational demands. In addition, any employee may make specific requests for assistance in dealing with their particular situation. Without flexibility, the atmosphere and politics within the organization will become poisoned.
in the organization in order to become noticed and for your perspectives and personal position to be understood. That makes it easier for management to make adaptations for you. Presence requires alertness and mindfulness that help you take advantage of situations in a sensitive way. So it also makes it easier for you to suggest different ways to handle issues.
CG6: Commitment by the Organization
that define the organization's position and that commit it to certain structures, standards and strategies. The most important commitments require sanction by the Board, which should contain some non-executives, sometime even a majority. So even top management may disagree with or personally dislike policies.
in the organization's policies, strategies and regulations as they emerge after you start work. Changes are often unexpected and undesired. However, you must be aware that the organization needs these policies. Adjustment ends up leading to some identification with the employer; and sometimes it leads to the opposite: handing in your resignation.
CG7: Incentives from the Organization
is intrinsic to the
that do genuinely motivate you to enter into . Agreed incentives change with the passage of time, and what is important and motivating for you may also alter over time. Note that some incentives (like «challenging work»), cannot properly be offered, because they are largely under your own control.

Relationships v Work forms the internal duality when groupings of the structural hierarchy of employment are treated as levels and the focus is on the organization's requirements.
Levels 1 - 3 (CG1 - CG3) deal with getting work done.
Levels 5 - 7 (CG5 - CG7) deal with social relationships that set the context for work.
CG4 (Level-4), the heart of any 7 level THEE hierarchy, remains focused on
. These are affected by and relevant to higher and lower levels.The internal duality differs according to whether the focus is on management's requirements of employees or personal requirements of employment. The comparison can be viewed here.
These Levels specify core choices in employment life in regard to work. The various levels function and influence each other distinctively for management and for employees.
► The initial step in mapping the influences between the various choices involves clarifying the different intrinsic tensions facing management and employees.
Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011