Schema for Communication

Purpose is Primary

The goal in this initial review is to clarify the distinctive nature of each way to purposefully use language.

As a tool to do so, an artificial schema of a communicative interaction has been developed. While each element of the schema certainly occurs, it is not proposed that any particular interaction specifically follows or should follow the order provided. Cf. decision method schema developed for a similar purpose.

Two Perspectives

Communication always involves someone who initiates a communication and another who receives. The schemas for these are different, and they interact as explained below.

From the Initiator's Perspective
A. Instigator of Communication The stimulus that generates the need or wish to refer to something and communicate about it i.e. to associate an experience with words.
B. Focus the Mind Inner appraisal processes which bring particular aspects of the communication into the forefront of consciousness
C. Marshal Material The method for consciously accumulating and ordering potentially relevant words or phrases.
D. Prepare the Communication Clarify the essential features of the communication prior to its specific expression.
E. Form the Content Articulate privately exactly what is to be expressed.
F. Ensure a Hearing Attract the attention of appropriate recipients in accord with the situation.
See below for receiver's requirements: FR1 and FR2 
G. Communicate the Content Release of specific material for others to access and respond to.
See below for receiver's responses:  GR1 to GR4
H. Attune to Responses Action that should be taken to handle the impact of the communication on recipients.
I. Follow Through Continuation of the communication process based on attunement to responses.
See below for receiver's dissatisfaction: IR
J. Check Efficacy How to ensure that a desired understanding has occurred.
K. Correct Failure Failure is common and repeated better attempts may be required.
From the Recipient's Perspective
Stages A-E are precursors.  
FR1 Recognize a Claim on Attention What makes the claim for attention valid and worthwhile.
FR2 Tune In to the Other How the inner state needs to develop for the communication to be effective.
GR1 Effect of Context Relevance and impact of various non-verbal or contextual features.
GR2 Attend to the Message How attention functions.
GR3 Consider How to Respond What judgements need to be made and how they are reached.
GR4 Make a Response Style of the response
IR Handle Dissatisfaction What is done if the communication is disliked or unwanted.


Remember: This schema is wholly artificial and designed purely to assist comparisons and highlight features. Some stages are far more significant in one method than in another. If in doubt, return to the original formulations and read further in this Satellite.


Here the communication flow, both verbal and non-verbal, is an articulation of a procedure or a representation to permit precise actions to be taken. Equipment manuals are typical examples. They are used in direct connection with action for an immediate specific reason e.g. when you want to replace a part that is broken.
ClosedApply Schema


Here the communication flow, both verbal and non-verbal, is spontaneous and associative, being based on the experiences shared by those involved.
ClosedApply Schema


Here the communication is centred on knowledge within a particular field and is geared to others in the reference group who are involved in acquiring, producing or using knowledge within that field.
ClosedApply Schema


Here the communication is about ensuring everyone in the relevant society can understand sufficiently to participate in a discussion on issues of general concern.
ClosedApply Schema


Here the communication is an artistic creation and a corresponding experience that enables a deep awareness of human condition, emotion or social situation. There is enormous variation in accord with the particular art form. Music, sculpture and poetry work very differently, nevertheless they all fit in this category as evident below.
ClosedApply Schema


Here the communication is built on a direct correspondence between what is said and reality. There is an attempt to operate in a formal way with the fundamentals that define core structures and processes within many (or all) fields.
ClosedApply Schema


Here the communication seeks to provide guidance for interacting with Absolute Reality, and implies something transcendental and beyond everyday existence. It is commonly used to reveal divine realms.
ClosedApply Schema

Remember that this schema is artificial and designed to assist comparisons and highlight features. Some stages are far more significant in one method than in another. More details of each of the methods is provided in the investigation of dualities and the TET analysis.

Investigate the dualities:

Originally posted: 5-Jan-2013. Last updated: 10-Feb-2023.