Logical Method: L'6

Choice of Name: The original name chosen was formal, but this was applied to a Research Method (PH'2L2) and it seemed wiser to avoid a duplication. Formulae are however common in both Domains. Another possibility considered was assumptive.


This is the language of fundamental assumptions. We live with and through a reality that is conditioned by and contingent on factors that vary with the time, place, society or person. However, it is possible to penetrate these superficialities and particularities so that the common basics of existence are revealed. Such essences are not only relevant to physical reality, where mathematics often plays a role; but also to psychosocial reality.

Accounts of fundamentals do not require technical language and are not based on social agreement. The principles or entities are articulated in a direct and clear way with examples illustrating the matter. The reality is self-evident if a person concentrates on what is proposed. So while it involves presenting evidence and making arguments, it is not wholly dependent on this.

Communications can be developed that are:

The result is consistent and coherent communications that reduce confusion and complexity. Unlike conceptual-L3 language, logical-L6 language is grounded in what is natural and evident to anyone who chooses to consider the matter seriously.


ClosedAn Analysis of Everyday Social Communications


ClosedTHEE System of Frameworks

Every formal name and each associated formula in the Taxonomy corresponds to a specific psychosocial function. These entities are then organized in a logical way to provide frameworks for discourse and application.

Because each THEE framework is built up out of self-evident ideas and principles, they are accessible to anyone prepared to reflect and with some familiarity with the phenomena under consideration. This assumption of universal accessibility is the reason that all pages allow for comments and criticism. It is taken for granted that errors or extensions of the ideas will result from such openness.

THEE is trans-disciplinary. It is not based in concepts and does not create a new disciplinary field. There is jargon, but this is confined to the architectural layout and not to the substance of the frameworks.

Criticisms: Fair and Unfair

While the communicator is striving for simplicity and transparency, the view from the outside is rarely confirmatory. Because the attention of most is transient, the output is viewed as over-complicated. While following one or two principles is rather easy, any area typically has many: dozens, perhaps hundreds. As with the mathematics example above, this can feel overwhelming. Life shouldn't be so hard!

Taking notice of all the principles and their implications simultaneously or seeing patterns amongst them ends up revealing matters that are not immediately intuitive. Although anyone can follow the steps, few may want to do so. In some cases, the orientation or mindset of the recipient may make accounts impenetrable or unacceptable.

Originally posted: 5-Jan-2013. Last amended: 10-Feb-2023.