Fundamental Elements of Communication
This inquiry starts by identifying the Levels in the . These are found within the 5th level in the Root Hierarchy ).
The Role of Communication

Turning any potential into an actuality occurs within a particular social situation and is wholly dependent upon reflecting and discussing i.e.
with:- ourselves;
- insiders: our family, friends or colleagues; &/or
- outsiders: those whose advice, cooperation, money, products or services we judge are needed.
The Starting Point

In this first section, it is vital to get clarity about the basic elements present in any Frameworks that clarify the richness intrinsic to and its place in our social life.
. There are many more sections which exploreBut to provide a basis for engaging with that complexity, it is essential to establish for the basic elements:
- their functions;
- their properties; &
- their interrelations.
These elements are expected to form the component levels of
- as shown in the diagram (with nameless elements). We will start with the simple certainty that the most fundamental element on which everything else must be built is a stimulus (for a sender) and a perception of a stimulus (for a recipient). .Guidance in the Inquiry

a deliberate communicative event».
seems to be an area that is more prone to confusion than most. However, it is not always obvious in advance what specifically is causing this confusion. Some immediate confusion can be unravelled by recognizing that our focus is «There will certainly be repeated revisions of parts, or even all, of this initial framework as new insights emerge from working on frameworks derived from it. This is part of the structural corroboration and validation process.

A THEE inquiry calls on us to be observant, reflective, open to possibilities, and diligent in investigating the issues and in mapping the Taxonomy.
My experiences of
(and failing to communicate) throughout my life are the primary source of my curiosity. This TOP project has been an education in itself.Because we all have these experiences, we possess a wealth of implicit knowledge. We must now select, make explicit and order the relevant psychosocial phenomena and systems as best we can.

General guides now exist in the form of established principles that determine the nature of any THEE framework in abstract terms. These are based on more than 30 years of painstaking inquiries and reasonably successful discoveries.
So I can broadly predict general properties that will help in discovering the specific properties and in determining precise details. If you wish, you can see a full list of the requirements, predictions and challenges now. However abstract and technical, when it is all unpacked and posted it will be fairly simple and directly applicable.
If past experience is a guide, I would expect the findings to come to be a mix of the blatantly obvious and the illuminating.
- First get clarity about a communicative event.
Originally posted: 21-Feb-2011; Last updated 22-Jul-2011.