Global Assembly: All Nation-States (L7)

The world is a single social territory and an assembly of all nations, from which none may be excluded, is the corresponding political organization.

Movement towards this ideal commenced in the 20th century with: Closed the League of Nations (1919–20) and the United Nations (1945). These organizations also aimed to foster international law, economic development and social progress—although the latter items would seem to be internal sovereign-L5 matters or best left to consortia-L6.


The Global Assembly responds to the recognition and acceptance of:

Specific concerns of such an all-embracing body might naturally include:

All that can be done in pursuit of these responsibilities is to:


Power to regulate with force, as at L5, would not be workable; and it would not make any sense to expel members, as at L6. The Assembly-L7 simply represents humanity, in the state of political maturity that it happens to be in, at any point in time.

Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010