Tapping the Power in a Society: CG6

By naturally participate in the 7 arenas of …
people…which are sustained and constrained by those who feel obligated to to make a difference:
, these become adept at using some of the 6 ……which are sustained and constrained by self-interestedly taking advantage of emerging :
, harness one or more of the 5 ……which are sustained and constrained by formally exploring distinct perspectives on :
, government and society expect to benefit from 4 ...… which are sustained and constrained by openly ensuring their as possible solutions for society:
, society expects effective handling of issues by recognizing 3 …… now read on:
Using Wealth
Any political solution means using power to apply society's wealth in a new way.
are the instruments of power, but they are at the mercy of the available to them, and limited in what they can do by the amount of society's .Q: Where is the of society to be found?
Q: How is manifested?

refer to widespread feelings in regard to choices and policies needed by the society and a readiness to spend money in their pursuit. There are two forms:
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is unmistakable to politicians. It is what they attune to for their own survival. Because pressures from the people en masse cannot be resisted by politicians, they must be respected and channelled as constructively as possible.Do governments ever «lack the political will»?
Potential Confusions
flowing from the state of mind of the public is not measured by the size of an army or police force. Nor is it a function of the particular that happen to be in public favour. rooted in experiential imperatives of a population with leaders bringing bears little resemblance to the power of particular is potentially creative and can lead to prosperity and security. is one of the influences onlies latent in a society, perhaps captured in the notion of its spirit and soul. Unless a nation’s spirit can be raised, nothing of great note can result.
Eruptions of Mass Power
aware of a particular matter that deeply affects them. By deeply, I refer to an emotional response that is as biological as it is psychological. So direct personal experience is relevant—either via seeing (e.g. on television), or suffering directly and in common (e.g. in an economic disaster), or knowing intimate details (e.g. via personal networks).
may erupt suddenly (due to an event) or slowly as more and more people becomeThe demand i.e. a potential for a solution. It must be concretised by and personalized and authorized by if anything is to happen.
is only a
Rousseau’s thinking is fundamental to much in modern government, but his term «general will» has no relation to the « » identified here.
Rousseau’s famous concept refers to the legitimist stage in the maturation of political institutions, and not to everyday political activities.
to which all must freely assent: e.g. Article 6 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - 1789 (during the French Revolution) states: “The law is the expression of the general will.” So Rousseau’s work relates toRousseau found politics unpalatable: e.g. he thought that interest groups should be banned. His orientation was more to the State and its unity than to society and its diversity.
- More about the two types of imperatives.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010