Doing Political Work: CG2

Everyone Knows that Politics is about Power.

If much of your life is in politics, you are preoccupied with power. That applies whatever the stage of maturation of political institutions, and whatever the frame of reference of your ambitions. It is this preoccupation that sometimes leads to the mistaken view that politicians are stupid.

Every time personal power is exerted for political ends, someone is trying to make a difference to a social outcome by affecting what someone else does or gets. These myriad efforts make up the daily life of politics. It’s hard work, exciting at times, and not without dangers.

Responsibility-commitment-CG1 provides the infrastructure for political work-CG2 and for all higher Groupings. Combining two adjacent Levels of CG1-political responsibility to form Dyadic Groups reveals 6 CG2-instruments of political pressure. In these Dyads:

Doing political work requires the use of 6 instruments that bring pressure to bear on others.

Note that power here is personal and role-based—it is not the power of a whole society. Using influence and exerting pressure (i.e. personal power) requires special instruments, all of which involve communicating so as to affect other political players and/or society-at-large.

The 6 Obligatory Political Instruments

Political players must be ready and willing to recognize all instruments, even if they only use one or two of them. They should become adept at one or more of the 6 roles which define their distinctive work.

Political Manoeuvring (CG-21)

This is the work of a power-broker: Closed The power-broker works to maintain their group’s power or to reposition it in the light of developing events and emerging opportunities. They use all opportunities to either keep quiet or speak out. The goal is to demonstrate the strength and value of the group and defend it against criticism, fair or unfair.

Official Briefing (CG-22)

This is the work of a spokesperson:Closed The spokesperson, whenever called upon or when judged necessary, presents a defensible position for the group and its actions or views, in regard to matters of importance or that are in the media spotlight.

In Camera Deliberations (CG-23)

This is the work of a decision-maker: Closed The decision-maker ensures that decisions reached will be viable because agreements have been made with individuals and decision-makers of other groups that have the power to disrupt or block progress.

Public Advocacy (CG-24)

This is the work of an advocate: Closed The public advocate strives to influence decision-makers in regard to their view of the welfare of part or all of society and what will best promote it.

Open Debate (CG-25)

This is the work of a representative: Closed The representative is expected to give their own views on matters of public interest, but do so from relevant value-based perspectives that accord broadly with the values and interests of their constituency.

Moral Challenge (CG-26)

This is work of the voice-of-conscience role: Closed A person in this role identifies shameful failures of responsibility and imagination by either or both the government and wider society in regard to a person, group or community.

Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 5-July-2014