The Individuals in the Family

The Usual Picture

The three contexts found previously should apply again:

CL5-Conventionalist mode Social context

CL6-Transcendentalist mode Moral context

CL7-Communalist modePersonal context

However, as with any application of a framework, the labels for the contexts and Centres need adjustment to accord with the family as the new frame of reference. As usual, the family group dominates at the higher levels.

The influences of the individual members in the politics of family life.

Social Context: CL5

Instead of referring to «practical commitments» for the member-centric form, member choices (CL5M) will suffice. Any choice made, whether or not approved or liked, and whatever its practical impact, alters the social context within which family choices are made.

On the family-centric side, the social context is family approval (CL5F), This attitude of approval or disapproval, especially by the dominant family member(s), may be apparent in the atmosphere, rather than in what is said or done.

By and large, members of families prefer to have each others’ support for their personal choices. Where a choice involves the whole family and the atmosphere is free, children can and should participate in expressing their attitudes and preferences.

Integrity Context: CL6

We cannot use the word «moral» here, because in the family context that would refer to ethnic-religious customs-CL2. A more suitable term oriented to individual members and transcendentalist values is: integrity.

Integrity refers to the need for each member, and the family-as-a-whole, to be true to itself. This state is too experiential and tied to personal spirituality to be touched upon by custom; and fulfilment of the need is too uncontrollable and unpredictable to be acceptable to orthodox religious authorities.

ClosedFamily-centric integrity…

ClosedMember-centric integrity…

Psychological Context: CL7

«Human needs» is too broad for the family context. Only in a family is it possible to focus intensely, affectionately and caringly on the needs of another person day after day, in good times and bad. In a family, each member should be treated as special because he or she is special: a truly unique and irreplaceable human being and family member. So this centre is labelled: unique personal needs(CL7B). 

These personal needs are physiological as well as emotional and relational, but the physiological elements are mediated experientially. So what counts is not so much the event (e.g. lack of food, deprivation of sleep) but the meaning attributed to the event by the member, &/or the meaning inherent in the event given the family context. So the label for this CL7 context is: psychological.

Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 12 June 2014.