Stage-7: Spirituality — Embrace Destiny


While the OBEDIENCE Modeis about reducing stress by subjugating personal desires to social requirements, the choice of what to obey remains a personal matter. The SPIRITUAL Mode is therefore about getting stress relief from choosing a suitable role and then automatically upholding it under stressful situations.


Values & Assumptions

Promoting Survival

Essence: Embrace your destiny

There are many things in life that cannot be controlled. Events just happen to us. Railing against fortune or fighting hopeless battles against fate generates stress. Even passive acceptance is not enough. It is far more useful to see a pattern so as embrace it as your destiny.

Benefit: Live without regrets


Means: Recognize a higher power


Handling the Socio-physical Environment

Participation: Go with the flow

Man proposes, God disposes. Man plans and God laughs. In other words, there is a severe limitation on what can be planned in life. Illusions of control need to be given up and fighting against the flow of events is usually a mistake.

Interaction: Use spiritual healing

Pain is the greatest stressor and is unavoidable in life. As explained in the Producing Goodness framework, there are a some simple techniques of healing, especially:

These must be activated because there is no limit to your ability to make mistakes. Having learned from them, you must just let these go and forgive yourself and be grateful for your successes. Instead of nursing grudges and grievances, it is better to be grateful and forgive others to dissolve pain and stress.

Individualization: Respect your uniqueness

Everyone is different. No two people have the same trajectory in life. Comparisons with others are odious. If you focus on your own uniqueness you can recognize that you are a cosmic miracle (and so is everyone else).

Channeling Your Functioning

Endurance: based on Surrendering

Everyone is different but .

Completing the Spiral

Having completed Cycle-2, we can re-enter the Creation Mode-μ1 again simply by surrendering to the flow.

With incorporation of SPIRITUALITY Questvalues, work is perceived differently. We can say «Work Spontaneously», rather than «Work Smart» or «Work Hard».

Working is spontaneous because it has been well-managed in Cycle-1 and it has become part of your life in Cycle-2. Rather than generating stress, work is an expectation and a necessity. Not to work would be stressful. Work is an aspect of a well-rounded life, because everything needs to be worked at. In spontaneously striving and thriving, a person finds their place in society, and even in history.

Having completed the Spiral,

Originally posted: 9-Dec-2022. Last updated:  28-Mar-2023.