Creativity in Organizations

TOP Note: This brief section highlights significant differences for creativity produced within an organizational environment. For more on organizations and achievement, see Table of Contents and use search.

Basic Principles

There is a wonderful spirit blowing through organizational theory and management consulting at present. It highlights and advocates the use of creativity at work, contrasting it usually with what currently exists. This confirms a basic and repeated finding:

Current thinking also touches on a second principle:

Employees are Agents

Although creative forces are personal, synergies within a group may be considerable. So an organization can produce a far grander and more complex creative output than would be possible for a single person.

However, a world of difference exists between:

The reason is to be found in:

Unlike entrepreneurs who provide employment, employees seek employment: i.e. employees actively seek to be an agent of the organization. So, by default, they choose not to be their own person in work. However dedicated and committed to their own work-challenges, it is not possible to fully own the organization's challenge. Nor could the organization properly allow a significant challenge to be handled at the sole discretion of any one employee.


In applying this framework of creativity to an organization, we need to:

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Originally posted: 17-Feb-2012