Focus on Questioning

Two Diagonal Sets: Approach Duality

It is evident from the TET diagram that the methods generate two sets lying along the diagonals. These two sets handle research in opposite ways as follows:

Both requirements are so central to inquiry, that researchers draw on methods from each diagonal-set as explained later.

See below: Comparison of methods on the Questioning diagonal.
(Previous Topic: Comparison of methods on the Ordering diagonal.)


Questioning is essential to enable the growth of knowledge through the discovery of errors. It is fundamental to the methods that lie along the diagonal that stretches from bottom right to top left. All these methods draw on the notion that existing knowledge is uncertain and provisional.

Increasing Controversy

Questioning is inherently dependent on the experience of conviction. The X-axis zones previously identified are therefore relevant, and controversy naturally increases in moving up the diagonal.

These methods draw freely on each other e.g. a falsified conjecture may generate wonder and re-imagining, while an insight from wondering may lead to a new hypothesis that deserves testing.

Methods on the Other Diagonal

The need for questioning is intrinsic to science, however, questioning is neither stringent nor particularly relevant in the methods on the ordering diagonal. Rather those methods invite questioning.

Originally drafted: 10-Apr-2015. Last amended 30-Apr-2022.