Mentalities and Approaches

Essentials of Principal Typologies

Every entity-Level in the architecture has its own nature. The use of the term «Types» immediately indicates something about the nature of the Levels in the nested secondary hierarchy (i.e. Principal Typology). In this Topic, we dig deeper into the notion of a Type in THEE. Note that the focus here is solely on Principal Typologies.


Identities v Traits-Styles

Understanding Others

We should embrace our own preferred mentalities. However, common sense as well as careful inquiry reveals that each mentality makes an essential contribution to complex endeavours. This includes even those mentalities that we personally abhor and regard as ineffective or even dangerous. So we should respect the mentalities of others, just as we would wish them to respect outs.

Understanding and respecting is often deficient, especially in regard to those who have more or less power. People-problems, as distinct from technical problems, can often be traced to a failure to appreciate relevant mentality issues.

A means for integration of all 7 Types is provided by focusing on contextual values within each mentality-approach that are generally acceptable. Read more.

Originally posted: August 2009; Last updated 24-Jan-2014.