THEE Entities


Taxonomic elements, the contents of a cell within the THEE architecture, are observable entities. These entities are psychosocial categories of phenomena that exist both in a private form within a person's inner experience, and in a shareable form within the external social world.

THEE entities operate largely unconsciously (or implicitly), but can be made conscious (or explicit) in a situation if required. A person can be completely certain about the experiential aspect of a THEE entity in many cases.

All THEE entities are important when required as part of committed action. They fade into the background and seem to disappear when not required or when commitment is absent. Because an entity is a category, what emerges in the actual situation is «an example of the entity»: see next Topic.


Presentation of Knowledge

Knowledge about entities takes the form of formulations of the function and distinctive properties. In addition, because architecture is so important, relationships with other entities should be identified.

A matrix, as below, helps this process. The standard matrix is formed by laying out the hierarchy of entities in the left-hand column to create rows, and by indicating general properties in the top row to head-up columns. This enables comparisons.

THEE entities/categories may be represented via form-diagrams. However, such an image without an accompanying matrix of formulations is a recipe for self-delusion.

The blank matrix below is an example showing the properties of 7-Levels/entities within a particular superordinate entity.

Formula Formal
Categ #1
Categ #2
[more Properties] Oscillating

Originally posted: August 2009; Last updated 2-Feb-2014.