The Bigger Picture: Theory to Practice
THEE is a comprehensive, dynamic mapping of all categories that exist in the psychosocial realm. Using taxonomic frameworks neither requires nor rejects commitment to any particular theoretical position. So you may expect to be able to directly apply the findings. But that is often unrealistic. The Taxonomy specifies fundamental patterns (Frameworks), and it takes effort to develop those for practical use.
People built bridges before the principles of physics were discovered. No-one would ignore this knowledge now, and far bigger and stronger bridges can be built as a result. The same applies for personal and social tasks. If the principles revealed by a THEE framework are appreciated, management of situations or projects becomes easier and more ambitious endeavours are possible. Just as physical principles require conversion into engineering principles which divide and sub-divide into numerous engineering sub-disciplines and technologies, so THEE also lends itself to differentiation into domains and numerous discrete applications.
To appreciate the issues, consider physical theory. There are many discontinuous stages between recognizing, for example, that sunlight is a form of energy, and switching on an electric light. You are not surprised that each stage requires dedicated investigation and hard work. Something comparable must be expected to apply to fundamental psychosocial discoveries too.
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Discontinuous Stages in
Moving from Theory to Practice
Delineate physical domains. |
Delineate the domains of Will. |
Develop and test relevant theories. |
Develop and validate relevant Frameworks. |
Identify key principles to harness energy. |
Identify key principles &/or mentalities intrinsic to effectiveness. |
Develop theory for harnessing energy in practice (e.g. based on combustion, wind, solar, nuclear). |
Develop an axiomatic basis usable in all relevant situations: e.g. individual, organizational, governmental. |
Devise a general design for a specific type of energy-generating device. |
Devise a general application for a particular social domain &/or a specific situation. |
Prepare plans for a specific device. |
Model a particular case of that type. |
Design and build in a particular place: adapting to funds, location, equipment &c, using prototypes to learn. |
Design and implement via specific people: adapting to funding, political issues, circumstances &c, learning through experience. |
Because this move from idea to discovery to theory to application has occurred over many decades, even centuries in natural sciences, we take the stages for granted. Yet in harnessing social potential, results often seem to be expected in months if not weeks.
I understand that most everyone prefers to work at the more concrete end, rather than at the necessarily abstract beginning. But rejecting and neglecting fundamentals makes little sense. The logic of science calls for a language of direct reference to come first, so it can be used to determine frameworks for the domain of interest.
Such a general framework then needs to be adapted in language, extent &/or detail to the particular type of human system (e.g. person, family, organization). Yet further adaptation is required to suit a particular instance of that system. Often the particular case within that instance demands yet more adaptation, and in the heat of intervention, unavoidable situational pressures (often political or personality-based) lead to further judicious adjustment. Through all this, the original fundamentals must never be forgotten.
Click for a Table of tools from the most abstract to the most concrete.
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Meta-Taxonomic Theory |
Theories about the origins or biological basis for THEE. Taxonomic comparisons. Metaphysical analyses. |
Hypotheses of evolution with language, or a link with human musical abilities. |
●Deeper understanding of the Taxonomy. ●Incorporation of new insights. ●Aids to learning. |
Taxonomy Development |
Proposing structures; improving formulae; finding and correcting architectural mistakes. |
New type of duality; principles for linking hierarchies; additional type of hierarchy. |
●Major extensions in coverage. ●More consistency, coherence; •Greater structural integrity. |
Framework Development
Clarifying psychosocial entities: names, functions, properties, relationships. |
Formulations and analyses of all elements in the Structural Hierarchy of Willingness. |
Knowledge generation and the basis for tool creation. |
Abstract Application Development |
A given Framework is applied to a general problem for which the Framework was not developed. |
Application of decision systems to the perception and development of «trust» in organizations. |
●Powerful resolution of controversies. ●Comprehensive handling of issues. |
Standardized Tool |
Use of all or part of a given Framework to create: ●a software tool for work efficiency; ●seminar materials; ●questionnaires. |
FIRO-B Questionnaire for leadership. Instructions which force use of a particular method as a seminar exercise. |
Tools and intellectual technologies oriented directly towards making money for the designer. |
Concrete Application Development |
A given Framework is applied to a specific problem presented by actual or potential clients. |
Application of the Framework of Work Responsibilities to organizing nurses in general hospitals. |
●Direct assistance during consultancy. ●Contributions to public debates about particular social issues. ●Book sales. |
Taxonomy Awareness |
Methods of guiding individuals into the Taxonomy in a way that accommodates diversity of outlooks and preferences. |
Use of the Interacting-for-benefit Framework to ensure that users get benefits that they value. |
●Self-development tools. ●Reflection training methods. ●Identity explanation materials.
Case Studies |
Provision of details of application of a Taxonomy tool in a particular situation. |
Reorganization of a large international business using a specifically adapted Framework. |
●Educational value. ●Academic credibility. ●Public record. |
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Originally posted: July 2009; Last amended: 14-Oct-2016