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The Popularity of Purpose means Recognition of Responsibility

Warren Kinston 13. July 2012 18:00

Purpose is popular.  How times have changed.  And science can't take the credit.  People can. But is responsibility popular?  Is it obvious to you that purpose and responsibility are very nearly the same thing?

Probably not. (But correct me by commenting below!) As a result, I can't help but notice that this emergence of purpose into consciousness has not yet got very far.  Let me explain.

Purpose is like a three-sided coin.

On one side, purpose is More...


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21st Century Enlightenment | Purpose & Value

Colin Wilson's Outsider and the Emerging Enlightenment.

Warren Kinston 5. July 2012 12:00

Colin Wilson's 'The Outsider' was a great read.  But that was 1956.  Then human experience and purpose were subjects of novels, not a focus for everyday living.  Purpose has now invaded the blogosphere.  

Colin Wilson Outsider  courtesy of Wikipedia

That means it is rising in human consciousness.  It also means that an awareness that you must choose your purpose and have freedom to apply your will to it and be creative in achievement—all this is emerging too. 

Who would've thought it?

These notions have crept up so surreptitiously that you probably think it was always like this.

But it wasn't. More...


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Great People

Freedom of Belief and Beliefs in Education

Warren Kinston 29. June 2012 18:00

The problem with freedom of belief is that scientists now think they have the answer. Theories are now given the status of truth. So subjugation by the church has been replaced by subjugation by science and ideology.  

One superstition is replaced by another. As a result, the battle to promote beliefs in education is intense.

But the flag I want to wave is emblazoned with freedom. So let's see where that takes us in regard to education.

My starting point is that the emerging 21st Century enlightenment must help us all move away from superstitious dependence on ideologies and theories. (Of course, they must not be rejected because of their misuse by many, anymore than the Church should be rejected because of its misuse by many.)

I look to an era of freedom of thought and, at a personal level, I suspect that this cannot be separated from freedom of belief. We think and think and think, and then we come to believe. Strangely, More...


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My Interests

Beliefs and Science: We must Reclaim a Fundamental Freedom

Warren Kinston 23. June 2012 09:00

Science has beliefs and people believe in science. Should they? Is this what was meant by freedom of belief? 

Beliefs and science

Wasn’t that one of the basic freedoms we learned at school?  Or was that freedom of speech? Or thought? Or worship?  But then speech and thought and worship are all close companions to beliefs.

I am a champion of freedom of belief and freedom of thought. So I am sensitive when these freedoms are under threat. And they are. Freedom of belief is not being threatened from the pulpit or by church-backed governments these days.  We have moved on.  Instead, it is under threat from science and politics.

Let’s leave political ideology for the moment, where people demand that politicians proclaim beliefs and they hypocritically comply.  This is so obvious and silly. 

Let’s focus on science instead. Whiter than white and disdainful of political shenanigans, science has become the new political correctness. More...


Elinor Ostrom and the Power of the Individual

Warren Kinston 16. June 2012 10:00

Elinor Ostrom asked the question: How do you get social problems fixed?  Through the power of government?  Wrong.  Through the power of the individual?  Right.

power of the individual -  elinor ostrom

But don't we want government to fix things?  We may: but that is often abdicating our responsibility—especially when our eyes show us that political intrusion only makes things worse, wastes money, and disrupts our freedom.  And it saps our own power.  The power that we each have as individuals.

Don't social solutions need the coercive imposition of organization?  No.  They can be based on intelligent and cooperative effort byMore...


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Warren Kinston is the creator of the THEE-Online website as an open forum for the further discovery and development of THEE. He writes this blog as an escape valve for the excitement and frustrations of the work. More info here.

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