Architecture Room > Root Hierarchy Projections > To a Principal Typology > From Spiral to Tree

From Spiral to Tree

Root Correspondences is a Tree

The Root correspondence of one Type taken on its own is of interest, but it has limited meaning or applicability. This is true even if it applies to all Typologies/Spirals.

However, it is natural to consider correspondences as a «set», because the projection uses every Root Level just once. Root correspondences taken as a set directly implies a root hierarchy, i.e. an emergent hierarchy in Tree form.

As noted in the original emergent hierarchies, there is a re-ordering of Root Levels, so it is a re-ordered root hierarchy.

It is natural to focus on the Tree form, because that allows a move from an abstract conception (even if based in observation, the correspondence is abstract) to a framework that is actually or unavoidably used in practice by everyone.

The re-ordering with comparison to the original Root Hierarchy is shown in the Table below.








The Channels shown in blue indicate those permitted in the original RHK. While the Channels shown in orange are those that are not found there. This makes it clear that we are not dealing with a representation of endeavour.

Discovery of Spiral-derived Trees


Whatever the degree of development (sophistication, establishment, growth, consolidation &c) of the Primal Means, there is typically a requirement to sustain the function in the best way possible.

The best way possible will include aspects of all methods in the relevant Typology. However, Types are incompatible, so inclusiveness means treating them as Modes. As a result, the relevant integration will be derived from the Spiral ordering.

In any Spiral, it is easy and natural to view the Stages as akin to Levels of increasing complexity. It is also easy to see influences and interactions between the various Modes. As a result, Trees have been derived with confidence where the Spiral is well-understood.

Discovery of the first Tree, determinants of achievement: PH'1CHK, occurred in association with investigation of management culture within organizations in the mid-1980's. The Tree was published in the original text as two diagrams (lower half and upper half), and no channels were named.

Preliminary investigations were carried out in relation to other Spirals, but the next definitive inquiry was into the determinants of governance: PH'6CHK (originally named determinants of political choice) within nation-states. This took place in preparation for posting of the Politics Satellite.

During the present inquiry, a systematic review of all Spirals and Trees has been carried out with the primary focus on correct naming. The orientation moved to fundamentals rather than applications.


The Spiral-derived Trees were never easy to name. Although the Centres and influences could be easily identified, lack of deeper understanding was an impediment.

The following long-standing views can now be incorporated with present discoveries:

  1. The taxonomic entities in the Centres are "essences" of the Mode.
  2. The Tree as a whole governs choices that depend on using the essences, and responding t5o influences between them.
  3. These choices are the basis of a fundamentally necessary outcome, now known as the Primal Need and related to the Root Level.
  4. Use of the Tree reveals a strong focus on the Centre at CL4 (from Mode-φ4/Type-1)

Drawing upon recent inquiries into the Root Hierarchy and one form of emergent hierarchy, additional propositions can be offered:

  1. Spiral-derived Trees are not in themselves taxonomic entities, but rather «emergent hierarchies».
  2. It is necessary to distinguish and name the following in relation to the Spirals and their Trees:

    • 7 Primal Means: the mechanism that incorporates modes.
    • 7 Primal Needs: the rationale for generating that mechanism.

    See details.

  3. Trees, being emergent hierarchies, have levels labeled KL1 to KL7 and carry the RH psychosocial pressures to assist in delivering on the Primal Need.

  4. Spiral-derived Trees have Centres that correspond to Root Levels (as just identified), and hence carry the associated psychosocial pressures.
  5. The Spiral-derived Tree is a blue-print for reasonable choices, not a recipe and not a mental state.
  6. The Tree ensures that, however immature or undeveloped the Primal Means may be, it is possible to energize and optimize choices in the service of the Primal Need by engaging with essences of all the Modes/Types in a particular way.
  7. The upper half of the Tree operates at a higher Root level than the lower half.

These propositions are examined further in the next Topic.

From Abstract Conjecture to Concrete Observation

Read row by row: there is a flow of logic from left to right. Each row is examined and explained in more detail in the next topic.

Better viewing: narrow or close left navigation column; use browser zoom if needed.

Root Origin RL/PH PH•L6 Driver for Optimality Principal Typology Primal Means
(via Spiral)
Primal Need
RL7 Willingness Empower Participation Selflessness Ability enhancing methods Effectiveness Service/Competence
RL6 Purpose Adhere to Value Systems Autonomy Ethical choice methods Politics Governing
RL5 Communic'n Assign Meanings Understanding Language use
A Shared Reality Association
RL4 Experience Integrate identifications Well-being Mental stabilization methods A Sense of Self Individuality
RL3 Change Standardize Representations Acceptability Modeling methods Depiction Differentiation
RL2 Inquiry Justify Judgements Certainty Testing
Conjecture Knowledge
RL1 Action Determine Choices Performance Decision methods Management Achievement

Initially posted: 30-Nov-2013. Last amended 2-Jan-2015.

All material here is in a draft form. There will be errors and omissions. Nothing should be copied or distributed without express permission. Thank you.Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2018. All Rights Reserved.

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