Architecture Room > Root Hierarchy Projections > To a Principal Typology > Current State of Knowledge

State of Knowledge

The page is mainly a re-statement of material already published in The Hub and relevant Satellites or academic papers. It is included here to provide a quick review and clarity about where inquiry has reached because later Topics necessarily treat naming as if it is definite in order to focus on the main concern: what is going on between the Root Hierarchy and the Typology Complex?

An Extended Structure: The Typology Complex

It is now known that every THEE Typology is part of a complex of linked structures. In the case of a Principal Typology, it consists of

The Principal Typology (PH'•), or Typology-Proper, is a hierarchical set of Types, which correspond in practice to specific methods or systems for getting an optimum result in relation to use of Primary Hierarchy Levels in the service of the Root Level function. (As explained in the next Topic.)

These Types can be plotted on a TET, whose axes are an executing duality specifying the relevant features of psychosocial reality when using the Type. The 7 Types form two complementary sets lying along the two diagonals: the approach duality.
ClosedMore on the TET

The Principal Spiral (PH'•C), or Spiral of Growth, is a development process evident from the TET. The Types are viewed as Modes i.e. needs rather than methods (or paradigms). It is then possible to observe 7 distinct Stages and two Cycles as Modes progressively cumulate and additional contributions to success are enabled.

The Spiral-derived Tree (PH'•CHK) emerges from viewing the Modes as forming a THEE hierarchy with Stages as Levels. This hierarchic relation becomes significant if viewed as a Tree that maps influences in practice between essences of the Modes. The result is a snapshot-map of what determines the Primal Need at any point in time i.e. independent of the Stage of development.

The Principal Typology Complex will be examined in more detail in what follows.


The quest for certainty, confidence, validity in human action has led thoughtful people over the ages to reflect on their own decision-making, inquiry, communication &c so as to determine what is needed for «the best» outcome.

The result was discovery of core principles and then whole systems for ensuring «the best way». These systems are referred to variously within the literature: methods, systems, doctrines, schools, paradigms, principles, theories. In the Satellite postings I have standardized on two terms: mentalities and approaches.

In this investigation, I will use the term method to emphasize the notion that there is a proper procedure to be followed to get the «best » results.

Experts and Ordinary People

Experts are typically expert in a THEE-method as well as being expert in a particular activity or social domain. Teachers have to believe and their students have to became socialized. It is only a small step to argue that any system that is held to give «the best» outcome is also viewed as «the right» way, and therefore obligatory.

As for most people, arcane battles about the basics of human functioning are irrelevant, if not ridiculous. If there is no issue of commitment (for success, for preferment, for peer acceptance), then any of us are likely to use any and every method in an expedient or haphazard way, with a bias to those that feel congenial.

Each of the Principal Typologies seems to have dedicated adherents.

Without being comprehensive, the picture is something like the following:

PH'1-Decision methods are a preoccupation of dedicated doers, like managers in most organizations.

PH'2-Testing methods are a preoccupation of dedicated inquirers, like scientists in a particular discipline.

PH'3-Modeling methods seem to be a preoccupation, mainly unconscious, of those who battle for control of a social group by asserting what its reality is.

PH'4-Mental stabilization methods are a preoccupation of dedicated psychotherapists as each aligns with teachings of a particular school.

PH'5-Using language methods are a preoccupation of dedicated communicators, like politicians and authors—again largely unconsciously.

PH'6-Ethical choice methods are a preoccupation of dedicated philosophers, like those found in academia.

PH'7-Capability enhancement methods are a preoccupation of anyone dedicated to self-improvement and systematically assisting others in a general way.
However:Closed there may not be dedicated experts here or the Typology may be still too poorly understood.

Summary Matrix

Better viewing: narrow or close left navigation column; use browser zoom if needed.

Primary Hierarchy Social Concern Formal Names for
Typology, Spiral, Spiral Tree
*Confidence in Formulations
Enabling selflessness when empowering participation-L6. Typology: Capability enhancement methods
Spiral: Developing Effectiveness
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Competence
Early conjectures
Early conjectures
Enabling autonomy when adhering to a value system-L6. TypologyEthical choice methods
Spiral: Maturation of Politics
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Governance
High confidence
High confidence
Moderate confidence
Enabling understanding when assigning meaning-L6. TypologyLanguage use methods
Spiral: Establishing a Shared Reality
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Association
High confidence
Enabling well-being when integrating an identification-L6. TypologyMental Stabilization methods
Spiral: Developing of A Sense of Self
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Individuality
High confidence
Enabling acceptability when standardizing a representation-L6. TypologyModeling methods
Spiral: Advancing a Depiction
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Discrimination
Moderate confidence
Enabling certainty when explaining judgements-L6. TypologyTesting methods
Spiral: Establishing a Conjecture
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Knowledge
High confidence
Moderate confidence
Enabling performance when determining choices-L6. TypologyDecision methods
Spiral: Strengthening Management
Spiral Tree: Determinants of Achievement
High confidence
High confidence
High confidence

*Confidence refers to whether the framework naming, basic formulations and hierarchical order are on the right track. It should not be taken to imply full validity or absence of errors.

Initially posted: 30-Nov-2013. Last amended 2-Jun-2015.

All material here is in a draft form. There will be errors and omissions. Nothing should be copied or distributed without express permission. Thank you.Copyright © Warren Kinston 2009-2018. All Rights Reserved.

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